Main Discussion Area > Bow of the Month Contest


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--- Quote from: Gordon on April 04, 2008, 06:11:03 pm ---Gobae, BOM is essentially a "people's choice" contest. If you fall in the catagory of people, then you are qualified to vote  ;D

--- End quote ---

Good one Gordon ;D ;D ;D

Nope - there are several thouisand members and they are not alphabetized. The reminder I to vote may be irksome but it really cranks up the votes.

Andrea S:
Yeah, you shouldn't be too worried about needing experience to vote. Just do like I do, and vote for which one is the purdiest!!

david w.:
Women are so shallow they only go for the best looking ;D

or tiller, degree of difficulty ect. but i dont want to start another one of these threads

El Destructo:
you better hope that Andrea didnt see this!!!!!!!!! :P


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