HI Guys
I want to really Thank everyone for there suggestions - i think in the end i did most of them - which sorted it
only thing I didn't do is Shorten , I kept full length ..
Steamed little recurve out of the bow - straightened one limb little , shortened the string and also scraped little wood off part of the stronger side of one limb , also scraped little the sapwood where was a bit uneven .
now sits in my hand (can hold loose when draw back no twist at all.
But put back in the Tiller and interesting changed that a fair bit - pictures are immediate after remove from steam bend - 2 pics as reversed bow on tree and looks different also .
1st Pic - looks odd , but could only steam one limb at a time due to set up , so clamped one and was able to steam other while first was clamped
4x2 - plus clamps and blocks for steaming
after steam and straighten - string line over exact centre
so will will go back to Bow build and put more info there if anyone was following that ...