I made a damfool mistake this last spring that could have cost me my life and it left me thinking about the poor suckers that have to deal with the mess I leave behind.
To that end, I have done some pre-planning and have created a small fund that I try to add to on a monthly basis. I also have a friend that in all likelihood will be my executor. This person now has my PA login credentials and knows where the mason jar of loot is hidden. Should I bite the dust in an unplanned (and probably ridiculously stupid and darkly funny) way, she is to set up a giveaway/yard sale of stuff including tools, bows, arrows, materials POSTAGE PAID! For those of you that know me, I can trust you will help guide things to the best of new owners.
PatB, this just reminds me to get back to "thinning" the herd while I am still around to do it. This whole spirit of "passing it along" is the best part of our community and posts like this are critical to maintaining that spirit. Thanks PatB for being one of the leaders in that spirit!