Its not hard ,Deer do what we do ,eat ,sleep ,crap,and breed, summer and spring months they eat a lot of green vegetation ,also see them in hay fields etc,But boy when those acorns start falling they will move into the hard Oaks walk this property and look for oak trees there will be acorns on the ground guarantee it then start looking for what looks like chocolate covered raisins in a small pile.Thats deer scat the more piles you find the heaver there feeding there [good place for stand].Next look for trails natures sidewalks there will be a trail they follow coming into that area look for areas where trails cross[ good ambush area] [do not sit directly on trails] sit to one side . hay fields and open areas will generally have a border trail 50 yards or less from the edge in the timber again find to trails that cross set up a stand deer will walk these checking the field before entering usually evening time.low lying areas between high areas good deer travel areas ,creek bottom ,drainage areas etc.Small strips of timber between wood lots ,timber etc act as funeels for deer again for trails,tracks and scat,deer tracks look kinda like two triangles side by side.if you dint have a tree stand you can make a ground blind ,dead wood stacked,piled up not to much just something to sit behind ,or even sitting three ,four feet behind a big tree allow enough room to draw your bow but remember if you use a tree stand always wear a safety harness better to be a live hunter and gain experience than to be well dead ,paralyzed you get the point