I know I don't post much here but I thought that this would be a good way for me to really get into knowing all of you good people here at PA. My husband, knightd, is a very active member and I would like to be a part of all of this. This is my first set of arrows and I am very proud of them. They are tonkin cane, they are matched in weight within 30 grains of each other and spined at 55-60#. I hand split and ground the turkey feathers. For the first time all by myself, without his help!!!
Besides that, I couldn't let him show me up with his!!
The fletchings are wrapped with artificial sinew. I'll tell you one thing, cutting the self knocks was REALLY interesting!!! Feel free to leave any feedback, either positive or negative, to let me know how I am doing.
I really learned a lot from doing these and I am currently working on my next set. It seems that this set is coming along a lot easier and faser than the first ones. I'll be sure to post pics of the next set. Thanks for your input in advance.