Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Around the Campfire => Topic started by: cracker on February 14, 2011, 03:45:01 pm

Title: What do you carry?
Post by: cracker on February 14, 2011, 03:45:01 pm
I was just looking at the thread where the fellow was looking for a carry gun for his girlfriend and I got to thinking that it would be interesting to know what you carry. Personally I carry a Ruger P95DC on average a Beretta tomcat 32 in town and I keep a Ruger Super Redhawk Alaskan 44 mag. in my vehicle. What do you carry?
Title: Re: What do you carry?
Post by: Cacatch on February 14, 2011, 03:55:28 pm
Good thread idea. I've been thinking here lately of getting my CWP and purchasing a handgun but am not sure what to get for myself. I was thinking about a Berretta 9mm.

Title: Re: What do you carry?
Post by: JustinNC on February 14, 2011, 03:57:06 pm
Used to carry a Glock carry...very recently....a Ruger SR9c
Title: Re: What do you carry?
Post by: Cameroo on February 14, 2011, 03:57:24 pm
I carry a $5 jack knife  ;)
Title: Re: What do you carry?
Post by: Pat B on February 14, 2011, 03:59:16 pm
I carry myself respectfully. So far, after over 60 years, that's all I have ever needed!  ;)
Title: Re: What do you carry?
Post by: cracker on February 14, 2011, 04:05:01 pm
And so do I Pat. I've never had to use my gun or even draw it but the cold fact is that in our society the possivbility of needing personal protection is greater every day.
Title: Re: What do you carry?
Post by: Autumnbear on February 14, 2011, 04:12:20 pm
I like guns but my wife does not. I grew up around them though. My home security is my 40# hickory bow connected to a 275# heavily tattooed hillbilly in his underwear. That will scare off any intruder! ;D
Title: Re: What do you carry?
Post by: JustinNC on February 14, 2011, 04:15:51 pm
I carry myself respectfully. So far, after over 60 years, that's all I have ever needed!  ;)

Worked in Transylvania County too much to not carry lol.....

In all seriousness that is what prompted me. I dont ALWAYS carry, and havent for a while, just depends on where I'm at or going.

Came across too many old "agricultural" fields in them rhodo-hell thickets out near Round Mountain in Transylvania county when I was doing wetland/stream delineations.

Hope like the devil that the only thing I ever point it at is paper or cans....I did have to dispatch a coon once, near a crowded school bus stop, that was extremely thin and sickly looking, aimlessly wandering and stumbling, and not scared of anything. Probably distempor, but there had been 2 cases of rabies within a mile of that community that summer.
Title: Re: What do you carry?
Post by: Bevan R. on February 14, 2011, 04:18:00 pm
Never go anywhere I would need to carry.  ;)

Keep a slug filled 20 ga for home. The way I shoot a bow, I would be in trouble using that for protection.  ;D

Title: Re: What do you carry?
Post by: sonny on February 14, 2011, 04:36:32 pm
I keep my dad's Ruger SP101 in the console of my truck, with high hopes that I'll never have to use it
but with the security that it's there if I ever need it...........
Title: Re: What do you carry?
Post by: NTD on February 14, 2011, 04:56:18 pm
Never go anywhere I would need to carry.  ;)

Keep a slug filled 20 ga for home. The way I shoot a bow, I would be in trouble using that for protection.  ;D


That's a very naive mindset.  Not trying to rag on you my friend but it's true.  Hundreds of people went to a Safeway Grocery store the morning of January 8th in my town this year probably thinking the same thing you are.  But 6 people were killed and 13 injured.  I wish I could have been there, maybe I could have done something.  The one armed person in the vicinity was inside the store and didn't make it out until the shooter had already emptied his magazine.  While it's not healthy to be paranoid and think everyone is a threat it's also dangerous to think that it could never happen.  A bit cliched but true,  I'd rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it.  I couldn't live with myself if I was ever in the situation that happened on January 8th and I wasn't armed.

That being said, I agree with what Jamie said on the other thread, If you aren't willing or capable of using a firearm then you shouldn't carry. 
Title: Re: What do you carry?
Post by: Bevan R. on February 14, 2011, 05:11:42 pm
NTD, don't think you are trying to rag on me. I know that there are bad thing/people out there and that things like you describe happen. I guess I just try to believe it won't happen around me. Saw enough of that kind of thing in the military.

Title: Re: What do you carry?
Post by: Jesse on February 14, 2011, 05:19:20 pm
Whippen stick--------- 63#@28" :)
Title: Re: What do you carry?
Post by: osage outlaw on February 14, 2011, 05:28:00 pm
A Taurus 44 mag. revolver with the 8 3/8" barrel resides in my car.  I hope I never have to use it.  If I do, maybe just the sight of that hand cannon will be enough.

It's also a mighty fine deer killin' gun ;D
Title: Re: What do you carry?
Post by: Josh on February 14, 2011, 06:55:29 pm
I carry a Bersa Thunder .380 in a IWB holster.  It is a pretty good gun with no FTE or FTF's after around 300 rounds. Easier to carry concealed than my bigger guns too and VERY accurate for it's size.  Hardly any felt recoil either.  I am so far impressed with the quality of this gun. I got it for Christmas.  :)
Title: Re: What do you carry?
Post by: Pat B on February 14, 2011, 07:08:07 pm
I own guns but never felt a need to carry one. I've got big guns, little guns, long guns and short guns. I just don't carry then cept to the woods and very rarely there.  I grew up in Savannah and lived there until I was 28 years old. I lived in the downtown section and in mid town. I walked or rode a bicycle everywhere, day or night and never felt the need to carry a gun or never got in a perdiciment where I thought I needed a gun.  So shoot me!  ;D
Title: Re: What do you carry?
Post by: Grunt on February 14, 2011, 07:10:30 pm
Taurus .380 set up with Crimson Trace laser for around town. On the road a S&W M&P .40 or Glock 23. For the house a Remington 870 with 20" barrel and extended mag. I have a NC carry permit. I ain't paranoid but I also have a machete, K-Bar and baseball bat behind the seat of my truck.
Title: Re: What do you carry?
Post by: Josh on February 14, 2011, 07:23:07 pm
I've been robbed at gunpoint twice before, once when I was a little kid a guy put a gun to my head and told my mom to give him her purse or he was gonna shoot me.  I was around 6 but I remember every detail of it.  Then around 6 or 7 years ago I was robbed at gun point while working at a video store in my neighborhood by a male and a female wearing masks.  The guy was holding the gun on me and told his girlfriend accomplice that he wanted to shoot me but she talked him out of it and they took the money and ran.  I saw them coming from around the corner as it was a pretty big store and had a glass front.  They were already wearing their masks so I knew what was about to happen before they even came into the store.  It was pretty scary.  Since then I carry a gun with one in the chamber everywhere I go.  Never know when some crazy buthole is gonna try and shoot you.  Sounds paranoid but I am speaking from experience.
Title: Re: What do you carry?
Post by: Jesse on February 14, 2011, 07:52:21 pm
Must be a southern thing. I never met anyone up here that carried a gun. We all have them in the house though.
Josh-- If you had a gun that could have ended differently but maybe not better.
I'm with Pat I never saw the need to carry. That includes when traveling in some of the poorest countries. As a Kid our family was held up at gunpoint along with a buss full of people by heavily armed guerrillas in Kenya. I think having a gun could have made that situation worse. We were let go unharmed.  Not saying self protection is a bad idea but I wonder how many times these hold up/robbery  situations actually end up worse when both sides have a gun.  To each his own though. If I was female I might really consider it  ;D.
Title: Re: What do you carry?
Post by: nugget on February 14, 2011, 09:30:23 pm
Glock 19 almost always. KelTec 32 when I do not have the Glock. A derringer is always in reach in the car.
I hate it has to be, but people have lost their durn minds these days. I dont want to have to shoot someone, but I will protect my family, my property and myself at all times.
Title: Re: What do you carry?
Post by: Grunt on February 14, 2011, 09:49:11 pm
I've never been robbed at gunpoint. I have been quite a number of gunfights. When I was serving as a Marine grunt in Vietnam getting shot at was a daily event. After eleven months of walking point, setting in night ambushes, combat patrols, hole watch, and assaults on fortified positions, I took a round from a .30 cal machine gun through my hip. Getting shot was the best thing that ever happened to as it allowed me to survive. Ever since then I've always had a gun handy everywhere I go. I shoot regularly. You see, even though it was the best thing that ever happened to me I don't want to get shot again.
Title: Re: What do you carry?
Post by: Wolf Watcher on February 14, 2011, 10:24:12 pm
I carry a Judge that shoots 410 triple Ott buck and 45 long colts.  Have the shells stagered.  They tell us that pepper spray is a good deterrent for Griz so I carry both spray and the Judge.  We have had several people killed and eaten this past year.  Some areas the sound of a shot when hunting elk will bring the griz in and they take over the kill.  When the wolves kill an elk and only eat part or none of it the caucus becomes bait for the griz and wandering up on one of those kills is a real problem.  Hawk Huston has a bear dog named Ditch that has kept him out of harms way many times.  To be honest carrying a gun for bear protection for me is more of a mental thing than actually thinking I can protect myself in a close encounter.  Joe
Title: Re: What do you carry?
Post by: cowboy on February 14, 2011, 10:28:10 pm
I've never been in any "situation's" unless you wanna count the teenage fence hoppin days when I heard a gunshot or two while I was runnin hell bent for heaven ;D. But I do like to cary the 45 in the console and the 380 whilst I'm out huntin rocks and stuff :).
Title: Re: What do you carry?
Post by: mullet on February 14, 2011, 10:33:02 pm
 One thing I'll add to Pat's comment. It's not the same now as it was when I was 28, and Pat doesen't hang out in the ghetto of Savannah anymore. I used to shoot pool for money on the "other side of the tracks" when I was young, too and had a head full of "Froe". 8)
Title: Re: What do you carry?
Post by: bryan irwin on February 14, 2011, 10:56:57 pm
Colt King Cobra 357 magnum.
Title: Re: What do you carry?
Post by: HoBow on February 14, 2011, 11:03:00 pm
I own guns but never felt a need to carry one. I've got big guns, little guns, long guns and short guns. I just don't carry then cept to the woods and very rarely there.  I grew up in Savannah and lived there until I was 28 years old. I lived in the downtown section and in mid town. I walked or rode a bicycle everywhere, day or night and never felt the need to carry a gun or never got in a perdiciment where I thought I needed a gun.  So shoot me!  ;D

Funny Pat, but I'm with you.  I live in a city (or at least metro) where there is some serious crime, but I don't generally put myself in places where I need protection.

Wolf- I've been eyeing a similiar gun and just haven't pulled the trigger on it to speak.   I never thought much about home protection until I had kids and it changed my perspective.  Until then, guns were always for shooting and hunting.  My thoughts were that a 45/410 gives good flexibility to shoot someone in the dark then have some knock down power to shoot the crack head that won't stop (stagger the shells like Joe)!  That being said, and I think it was said in the other thread, if you carry a gun, you must be willing to use it without hesitation.  Good thread though.  Always interesting to hear what others ideas are.  And you are right Jesse, I think it is a Southern thing.  I've lived in the middle of the country, deep south and far north and these Yankees don't seam much on guns  ;D
Title: Re: What do you carry?
Post by: JW_Halverson on February 15, 2011, 12:02:31 am
I have carried and I have not carried.  When I was younger I was carrying one time when three punks got mouthy.  At first I felt pretty "chesty", then realized that bravado would just make the situation worse.  Was I really gonna pull a gun and pop someone over comments made?  It was that moment that I finally understood a calm head and a non-confrontational attitude was the best thing to carry.  But in the end I still want the option of carrying if all other options fail.

Once upon a time a Concealed Carry Permit was virtually the same as a "good guy card".  Now I feel concern for people carrying and thinking they now have nothing to fear.  That's a dangerous combination.

At this time I only own an 1851 Confederate Navy .44 cap-n-ball and I sometimes carry it when in the woods in case I need to scare a mountain lion off.  But I am planning on getting a .45 ACP in some type of 1911 configuration. 
Title: Re: What do you carry?
Post by: sailordad on February 15, 2011, 12:13:33 am
i dont carry only cause i dont have my permit as of yet
but i do keep loaded weapons in the house for protection of my family and belongings
once i get my permit i WILL carry a .45 acp custom combat model

trust me its not just a southern thing
we "Yankees" love our guns like no others do
we just dont like to let folks know if we are carrying or not  ;)
i have alot of friends that have cc permits and you would never know which ones are carrying and which ones arent
if you ask them,all they say is "yup i got my permit"
Title: Re: What do you carry?
Post by: Lee Slikkers on February 15, 2011, 12:15:14 am
In the winter with a good coat I carry my Taurus PT1911 .45 ACP, as the season changes I'll switch over to my S&W M&P .40 w/ CrimsonT carried IWB and when the shorts weather hits I always have my Ruger .380 LCP w/ CrimsonT in back pocket or cargo pocket.

Title: Re: What do you carry?
Post by: HickoryBill on February 15, 2011, 12:17:38 am
Taurus model 669 .357 mag, 6 inch barrel. 158 grain federal fusion ammo. My wife carries a Kel Tec 380(can't remember the model) 
Title: Re: What do you carry?
Post by: Pappy on February 15, 2011, 07:38:55 am
I carry a 5 inch [total ] 5 shot 22 mag with hollow point amno,if I have my pants on I have it in my pocket. I know people say it will only make some one mad, I think not. ;) :) :)
Title: Re: What do you carry?
Post by: Kegan on February 15, 2011, 10:41:52 am
I'm not old enough to apply for a CWP but I'm not sure I would. I've looked at the cost of a hand gun and the cost of a bullet proof vest. I think I'll go with the vest- at least it has some chance of actually keeping you alive :o!
Title: Re: What do you carry?
Post by: JustinNC on February 15, 2011, 11:11:27 am
If nothing else, I'm carrying again just because I have the right to do so. I don't work in conditions that may or may not put me in the middle of someone's marijauna patch anymore, but in a wierd sense, I feel like I'm doing "my part" to keep my right. I look at the right to bare arms as kind of like money in a budget.... mis-use it or dont use it and you lose it...slowly losing it anyway, may as well use it while you have it.
Title: Re: What do you carry?
Post by: Pappy on February 15, 2011, 11:34:02 am
I carry all the time and I mean all the time,cause just when you think you won't need it you will,Kegan that will help as long as they ant shooting for the head. ;) ;D ;D
Title: Re: What do you carry?
Post by: Cacatch on February 15, 2011, 11:55:04 am
Yep. Just try to think of a place where there has NOT been a shooting in recent years. Church? You bet. Legislative meetings? You bet. Schools? Oh yeah, going to any PTA meetings in the near future?  Sporting events? I don't know that I recall any but I'm sure there has been. Especially with all the drunk ash holes flipping out over a winning or losing team. And there's always the possibility of riots afterward. My thought is similar to Justin's. I want to carry simply because I want to carry and have the right to carry. Whether I'll ever use it or not is irrelevant. Last night on the way home I stopped for gas. The pumps were all pre-pay. When I pulled up I noticed a couple punk kids (18-25 years of age I guess) standing inside just looking for some trouble. I could sense that they were feeling aggressive just by walking past them when I went in to pay for my gas. I had my two boys with me, ages 4 and 1. The one year old was asleep in the truck so I just let him sleep while I went in to pay, but my 4 year old loves to go into gas stations with me (usually to try to pursuade me to buy him candy) so I took him in. Well, I hadn't even gotten up to the counter to pay for my gas when one of the punk kids starts arguing with the cashier and "flexing". He even took off his jacket like he was about to "act". Apparently he was trying to get gas without paying for it and the cashier was standing his ground. For while I expected to become a witness to something but as long as I was there nothing happened except the cashier guy did call the cops. But it was a situation that did get tense and it just confirmed my desire to carry. What if that punk had pulled strap or a knife on the cashier, myself, or someone else in the store? I do everything possible to keep myself and my family out of harm's way but sometimes you are thrust into situations all because of a decision someone else decides to make. That is why I WILL be carrying very soon.

Title: Re: What do you carry?
Post by: skyarrow on February 15, 2011, 12:01:08 pm
Well I don't have my CHL yet but I plan to when money gets better so for know I carry my tac knife or kubotan  in areas I can't have my shotty and on long trips I have my sawd off 20 or 12 gauge or my Ithaca slam fire 12 gauge
Title: Re: What do you carry?
Post by: Bevan R. on February 15, 2011, 12:05:33 pm
Revolver or Simi-Auto with clip(s)? what are your preferences and why?

Title: Re: What do you carry?
Post by: aaron on February 15, 2011, 01:15:39 pm
Springfield XD 9mm- that's a semi-auto
it has no "clips" but holds 16 in the MAGAZINE.
I don't carry it much, but occasionally.
Title: Re: What do you carry?
Post by: cracker on February 15, 2011, 01:25:43 pm
I used to be a revolver man my thinking was that if there is a misfire just pull again and go to the next cartridge but with the ammo that is available today I cant remember when I've seen a misfire with good quality ammo so I've gone to autoloaders for capacity and ease of reloading.Ronnie
Title: Re: What do you carry?
Post by: thomas h on February 15, 2011, 01:27:41 pm
im glad i  live in an area that does not  make you feel that you  need to be armed  just to  run down to the corner mkt for some milk. ;D
Title: Re: What do you carry?
Post by: Pappy on February 15, 2011, 01:34:53 pm
You must live on Mars. ;) ;D ;D
Title: Re: What do you carry?
Post by: JustinNC on February 15, 2011, 02:28:36 pm
I don't use a pocket knife, bandaid, or insurance card everyday but you can bet I have all three on me from when my feet hit the floor til they go back in the bed at night.

What disturbs me is not the fact that people on here don't carry, but think of those of us that do as cowboys or that we think were putting ourselves in harms way everyday.

I'm not the toughest jerky in the bag, but I believe my attitude, or lack there of towards most people I encounter, and sheer size would deter most anybody from messing with me, but I believe that those that might try would have an ace in the hole before they ever confronted me...even though they could probably win without it because I'm just a big ole teddy bear.

I'm not paranoid, I don't carry everyday and went a few years without a carry piece. Just a personal choice to put a right to use. 
Title: Re: What do you carry?
Post by: Michael C. on February 15, 2011, 05:25:57 pm
I never really considered it more than a day or two until recently just because I didn't think my wife would want a gun in the house. She actually said "maybe we should get a gun" the other day and I have been looking around for a shooting range for us to go to this weekend. I know I feel comfortable with a gun because I grew up around them and was taught to shoot from an early age, but I don't feel comfortable with a gun in the house if my family doesn't know how to use them, so I figure that's the first step for me.

Unfortunately for me most of the places I work don't allow you to carry a weapon even in the parking lot (car) or it could get me fired and it doesn't do a whole lot of good in the car if I needed it in the building. I do think it's always a good idea to at least have a shotgun in your house though and teach everyone in the house how to use any weapon in the house, especially your kids.

Having said all that I'll tell you after we shoot a few different guns at the range :)
Title: Re: What do you carry?
Post by: Autumnbear on February 15, 2011, 05:34:39 pm
I don't carry (I can't acually, I got in way too much trouble when I was younger) and I'm glad that there are people who do. I have seen situations were I could have stopped a crime if I had a gun. I wish that that young people had respect for guns. I'm pretty sure that lots of us can remember when parking your truck at the high school with a deer gun on the rack was normal. Now guns are taboo and anyone who carries is either a right wing militia member or a thug.
Title: Re: What do you carry?
Post by: Kegan on February 15, 2011, 05:39:49 pm
Kegan that will help as long as they ant shooting for the head. ;) ;D ;D

I have been told that I have a small head ;D...

I wasn't trying to say there's anything wrong with carrying a gun though, just for the record. I'm just not sure of whether the cost (dollars and cents that is) is worth the sense of security in my hands. I've nothing against folks carrying arms, especially not those who do so legally- it's typically for the best reasons (protecting yourself or your family from harm). I suppose the biggest reason is that if I had something that kept bullets from my hearts and insides, I wouldn't be that worried about some crack pot with a knife or big muscles. I've met people like that. I'm always cautious but not scared. I suppose it's just because I'm still young and naive, eh? ;) :D

Also, I have the feeling that if someone wanted to kill me there wouldn't be much a gun, vest, or what ever you could have on your person that could help. Unless someone developed a pill that turned your blood into acid like "Alien" >:D
Title: Re: What do you carry?
Post by: Cameroo on February 15, 2011, 08:24:19 pm
I sometimes wish I was carrying a pellet gun to shoot the windows out of vehicles when I see morons speeding through the school zone a few blocks from my house.  Some kid was killed there a few months ago, but I guess that's not enough to slow people down.  It just blows my mind...

Sorry, just had to vent.
Title: Re: What do you carry?
Post by: stickbender on February 15, 2011, 08:50:34 pm
     Carry a gun, because a cop is too heavy! ;D ;D
     I normally carry at least my my little .32 two shot derringer, and only to divert any problem long enough for me to crank up my hush puppies and get out of dodge.  Not my choice caliber for self defense, but it has it's advantages.  That being said, I normally carry my little Ruger LCP .380 acp.  It is a nice little gun, and double action only.  I at first didn't like the idea of the double action only but then, I thought it was a little more safe for concealed carry, since you had to pull the trigger to fire it. I don't have to worry about a piece breaking or failing, on an automatic and shooting certain parts of my anatomy I have become attached to.....  It took some getting used to the long trigger pull, but it was pretty accurate at 25 yds, and with the Crimson Trace sight on it, I think it has the psychological effect on any aggressor also.  That is good, since I am not a big fan of the .380 or 9mm for self defense.  I do carry a 9mm now and then, with Federal Hydrashocks, and Hydrashocks in the .380 also.  But it all goes to shot placement.  But my hands down favorite carry weapon is my Kimber Ultra Carry in .45 ACP.  I carry wherever I go.  Because I never know where the lunatic, or bad guy, or crack head, or meth bulb is going to be, or why.  I fish at the Inlet here in Ft. Pierce, and there are some rather strange looking, and acting people that go there, especially with no fishing tackle, and just hang out.  At the Bridge one night, my Dad was confronted by a scruffy, looking guy, and he asked my Dad if he any spare change, my Dad said no, and ignored him, then the guy stepped closer to my Dad, and said look old man I know you have some change, and started to reach towards him.  My Dad didn't have gun, but he pushed his rain coat back and reached for his fishing pliers, in a leather holster he had made for them, and the Guys' attitude immediately changed, and he started crawfishing real quick, and said hey, take it easy old man, I was asking....and turned and left.  My Dad was going to smack him in the head, with those pliers if he had tried to grab him.  He didn't have a gun, but the guy thought he did.  If you are uncomfortable with a gun, by all means don't carry one.  If you can't actually use it when necessary, then don't carry one and have it taken from you and used on you and others.  I am not paranoid, I just know that it is not a safe world out there, and when you least expect it the situation can take an ugly turn.  I don't worry about my house catching fire, but I have a fire extinguisher in the kitchen.  I am always aware of my surroundings, and I try to avoid areas, and situations that could be bad.  Sometimes that can't be helped.  As for not carrying one in the car because it wouldn't do you much good there, how about on the way home?  Break down, stop at a light, or sign, or carjacking?  etc.  I pray I never have to shoot someone.  But I will tell you this, if I HAVE to shoot someone, I will not play hollywood bullcrap and stry to shoot to wound!  I will shoot twice, with the definite intent to kill!  I will try to avoid it as far as I can, but when all other options are gone, I shoot.  I am not a killer, I do not like seeing someone killed.  I do not want to ever be in a situation where I have to shoot someone, but I will not forfeit my life.  There have been robberies down here where the victims did everything they told to do, and were shot anyway, just to keep from being able to identify the criminal.  Like I said I try to be aware of my surroundings at all times, and try to avoid situations, but that doesn't mean that someone else will abide by my wish to avoid trouble.  I do feel more safe when I am carrying.  Even the little .32 gives me some measure of safety.  I know that if I had to use, it, it would be only a disorienting weapon, but hopefully enough time for me to get out of the situation.  I have Friends that are law enforcement officers, and family members that were law enforcement officers, and they all carried when they could, and even told us to be armed when able.  When I was a kid, I used to have no problem with going into bad parts of town, and hitchhike to where I was going, whether it was alone, or with a friend.  Not now.  As for a weapon for a woman who is not familiar with a weapon, I would highly recommend a .38 revolver.  As for the House, a pump shot gun, with number six seven and a half bird shot.  Reason being, the sound of the pump is universal, whether you like, hate, or are unfamiliar with guns, EVERYONE knows the sound, and what it means!  As for the shot size, at the distances in a house, it will almost cut someone in half, and you miss, it will not go through the dry wall, and kill someone else, friend or foe, in the other room.   All the energy is pretty much expended going through the wall, unlike buck shot, or slug, or rifle, or pistol round.  My Girlfriend is a State Arson Detective, and she is from Fall River Mass.  Left wing Liberal central.  She asked me why I always carried, and I pointed out some recent robberies, of restaurants, hotels, and such, where the customers were pistol whipped, just for the fun of it.  She later had seen where a concealed licensed guy had stopped a bank robbery, and had disarmed the bandit, and had him on the floor, when the cops arrived.  The police are an after the fact response.  Are you going to be alive, or dead when they finally arrive, or IF they arrive.   Or In two very similar cases, one in New York, and one I think in Connecticut, or Mass, not sure now which, quite a few years back, a woman had called 911 and told the dispatcher that someone was trying to break into her house.  In each case they were told the police were on the way.  When they called back saying that the intruder was almost in the house, they were told the police are almost there.  Well the women were beaten raped, and beaten again.  The police?  They never showed up.  It went to the supreme court, who summed it up very nicely why you should be armed.  They said the police have no obligation to protect the individual, but only the community at large.  Huh?  ???  Anyway, my girlfriend now carries off duty.  She has my guns!  I make the mistake of showing her a new gun, and she wants it! ::)  Anyway, I carry, I do feel safer with a gun, but I don't feel cocky.  If anything I feel more responsibility by carrying a gun.  I have certain rules I have to follow, while the criminal has no restrictions at all.  Laws are for law abiding people.  Criminals are called criminals because they disregard laws.  Which makes gun control laws laughable as a deterrent to crime. ;)



Title: Re: What do you carry?
Post by: JustinNC on February 15, 2011, 09:52:58 pm
Excellent response wayne
Title: Re: What do you carry?
Post by: Kent D. on February 15, 2011, 10:22:11 pm
I do not carry on my person, but keep a gun in the vehicle.  I live in the country, so I do not feel to threatened.  But the gun I like to keep in the truck is my good old fashion 45 acp colt government.
Title: Re: What do you carry?
Post by: Kent D. on February 15, 2011, 10:29:55 pm
I noticed a few threads kind of mocking the notion of carrying a gun.  I felt similar until my sister was raped, robbed, beat, and left in the country for dead.  That was back in the early 80s.  By the grace of God, she lived and was found by a farmer.  I also had a good friend, who was headed to his wedding rehearsal, when he stopped to assist an elderly couple with a flat tire.  In the process of assisting these fine folks, another car with a couple of guys got out and robbed him, and the couple with a baseball bat.  If either he or the couple had had a gun, things would have been different.  That is the reason my wife will carry a gun when I am not around.  Had my sister had a gun, things would have been a lot different.  And since we have been living in the country for 20 years now, and all the roads she takes are long, vacant country roads, I insist she has a gun on her when I am not with her.
Title: Re: What do you carry?
Post by: Kent D. on February 15, 2011, 10:33:23 pm
Revolver or Simi-Auto with clip(s)? what are your preferences and why?


Revolver is your best bet.  No jams, it will always work, as long as bullets are in it.  That is why my wife carries revolvers.
Title: Re: What do you carry?
Post by: madcrow on February 16, 2011, 01:27:48 am
Some days it is a Feg PMK 380, loaded with Nosler hollowpoints that I reload hot, but accurate.  Other days it's a Smith and Wesson Model 10, loaded with Hornady XTP's, also loaded very hot, but Smith can handle it.  I also have a little FMJ derringer in 45 acp, but loaded with a 410 slug that stays in the car, usually stuck down in the console beside the emergency break.  I have had to stick it in a couple of faces before, but haven't had to pull the trigger yet.
Title: Re: What do you carry?
Post by: Little John on February 16, 2011, 01:38:59 am
I don't feel the need to carry a gun for self defense, crime does still happen around here but the gun seems more trouble than any thing even in bear country. Most of my going is job related and the best way to loose a good job is drugs, boose and guns in the truck. We keep a 22 revolver loaded with rat shot handy in the house, and told my wife that if any one trys to shove into the house, just shoot them in the face from short range and if they don't leave pretty quick she can always let them have another, pretty much non lethal and I can't imagine any one would want the second round.      kenneth
Title: Re: What do you carry?
Post by: Ryano on February 16, 2011, 12:20:20 pm
A taurus .38 special ultra lite with home defense rounds. Never had to use it yet but always have it either on me or in the truck.
Title: Re: What do you carry?
Post by: Cameroo on February 16, 2011, 02:04:26 pm
if any one trys to shove into the house, just shoot them in the face from short range and if they don't leave pretty quick she can always let them have another, pretty much non lethal and I can't imagine any one would want the second round.      kenneth

I like the way you think Little John.  There's no reason a person can't get their point across without using lethal force.
Title: Re: What do you carry?
Post by: JustinNC on February 16, 2011, 03:00:03 pm
Certainly not my place to judge but if it's another's will to take me out, then it is my will to do everything to reciprocate that kindness. One thing taught in the cc class I took was use enough force to protect yourself, lethal force is last resort when the use of force by the aggressor against you escalates to potentially life threatening levels.

We're not cowboys or desparados looking for the O K coral, just responsible citizens.

I've has a pistol waved at me by a group of young punks in a suburban while going up the road on the interstate. Unprovoked. I was scared to death and didn't know what to do. They finally left me alone once we caught up with traffic. Sure would have felt a little more comfortable if I had something of my own incase they didn't manage to wreck me and get me stopped. I didn't report it, don't know what they wanted, and probably couldn't give a description if I tried as I was too shook up from that and them trying to run me off the road.

My life or my families life or theirs? Theirs, and I'm not going to hope rat shot scares them off and not return for revenge.

Another example, just about 2mi up the road from where I live, man kicked the door in, husband had a little time to react, but nothing to defend himself with, husband was killed and wife was shot through the arm. No apparent reason as there was no robbery. They thought it may have been a "mistaken homicide", where the suspect had a "reason" to kill, but got the wrong house.
Title: Re: What do you carry?
Post by: thomas h on February 16, 2011, 03:20:27 pm
if any one trys to shove into the house, just shoot them in the face from short range and if they don't leave pretty quick she can always let them have another, pretty much non lethal and I can't imagine any one would want the second round.      kenneth

I like the way you think Little John.  There's no reason a person can't get their point across without using lethal force.

i agree with you both,but -------some drug users would never feel the sting of such a  load.also  they would have to deal with fritz trained as a home protection  guard( he has teeth and knows how to use them)

Title: Re: What do you carry?
Post by: cracker on February 16, 2011, 03:59:17 pm
I have dogs in the house natural alarm system. After they sound the alarm then they "the dogs" come under my protection. They are after all members of my family.Ronnie
Title: Re: What do you carry?
Post by: cracker on February 16, 2011, 04:01:10 pm
Good looking animal by the way.Ronnie
Title: Re: What do you carry?
Post by: Cacatch on February 16, 2011, 04:05:15 pm
Good looking animal by the way.Ronnie

Yes, a remarkable beast. You can tell he's ready for the battle.  I'd be proud for him to sleep at the door of my kids's room  ;)

Title: Re: What do you carry?
Post by: thomas h on February 16, 2011, 05:16:07 pm
thank you  he can be as soft as a marshmallow or as hard as a piece of steel
Title: Re: What do you carry?
Post by: Cacatch on February 16, 2011, 06:14:56 pm
I don't doubt either for a minute.  :)
Title: Re: What do you carry?
Post by: red pony on February 17, 2011, 12:20:55 am
After much thought on having a small arm in my home for protection , I have gone and put the wheels in motion for a permit.  I happen to live in one of the 5 counties of NYC.   I don't have to tell you the BS and cost It of all, but I know in the end it will be worth it.  There have been too many break ins and robberies in my area.  Most of it has to do with DRUGS.   I happen to live in a good  area ,   but criminals steal where the money is.   I have 2 more years left before I move upstate and am free from all NYC BS!   It still cost me alot of money even though I have a permit for long arms.  I do have a 20 gauge pump but my wife is not comfortable with it.    Most of my neighbors clueless about what goes on here.   I always talk to the police in my area and even they will tell you they can't always be every wear all the time.
Title: Re: What do you carry?
Post by: Knocker on February 17, 2011, 01:53:11 am
Carrying is costly, inconvenient, uncomfortable, and a huge responsibility.  I just wish those of us that do would get some credit for doing the right thing rather than being perceived as kooks and nuts.  I can't remember who said it, but I recall a quote something like "All that is necessary for evil to prevail is for the good to do nothing".  My brother was a cop - we don't pay law enforcement enough to lay their lives down for us.  I hope I never have to use a gun for anything but recreation, but am prepared if I must.  Thank you to all of you that do carry, and I for one feel safer because you're out there.

Title: Re: What do you carry?
Post by: El Destructo on February 17, 2011, 03:52:13 am
 I am totally with Pappy and His train of thought...I carry everywhere....I am a firm believer in the Second Amendment....I carry a Kimber Crimson Wife totes a Ultra Crimson Carry.....but until She was sure of Herself with an Automatic....She carried Her Ruger GP 100....a Double Action Revolver has no Safety to remember to take off No Jams...Double Stacks....Stovepipes...just point and pull the Trigger...but like Nate and a few have said...If you are not well practiced....and ready to use the weapon to protect yourself...take someone elses life to save your own....and be prepared for the Psychological and Legal Consequences... then you have no business carrying one....JMO
Title: Re: What do you carry?
Post by: D. Tiller on February 17, 2011, 04:00:54 am
I'm with Pappy and El D. I carry either 9mm makarav around town and a Kimber .45 on long trips.
Title: Re: What do you carry?
Post by: chamookman on February 17, 2011, 07:14:09 am
I have a permit to carry, and do so every day. Either a Wilson 1911 or a S&W 325 pd - yeah, I like the .45ACP. I live in the country, and in this day and age there are WAY too many home invations, plus in the City I work in (Flint, MI) has the highest muder rate in the Country  :o! I pray evry day that I NEVER have to use a gun, but By God I wouldn't hesitate if need be. Bob
Title: Re: What do you carry?
Post by: Hillbilly on February 17, 2011, 11:54:21 am
im glad i  live in an area that does not  make you feel that you  need to be armed  just to  run down to the corner mkt for some milk. ;D

I live in a really quiet, very rural area where many people never even lock their doors. But a few years ago, two guys on a killing spree came off the interstate and slaughtered five people just up the road from me, including an 11-year old girl that they shot in the face with a shotgun after kicking the bathroom door down. One of my neighbors captured one of the guys at gunpoint after he found him hiding in his yard waiting for a chance to kill him and take his truck. If hadn't had a gun handy, he would likely be dead. You never know what's going to happen, no matter where you live. I prefer to be equipped to deal with it if it happens. I'm armed everywhere that I can be.
Title: Re: What do you carry?
Post by: Justin Snyder on February 17, 2011, 12:16:41 pm
I carry myself respectfully. So far, after over 60 years, that's all I have ever needed!  ;)
Im with Pat on this one. I worked as a police officer for a number of years and respect will get you a lot farther than a gun. The probability of needing a gun increases significantly if you carry one.  8)
Title: Re: What do you carry?
Post by: El Destructo on February 17, 2011, 03:29:09 pm
 I hear you Steve...ain't no place safe any more....My Father ....a lifetime Peace Officer....told me a long time ago...and I still believe him....if you depend on the Police to protect you in a life and death are going to be dead before they get I must  disagree....anyone that believes they can live safely in todays society without knowing how to use deadly force living in a Fairy Tale World.....sorry but with I have been through and seen. with my own eyes....this is my honest feeling on the subject
Title: Re: What do you carry?
Post by: D. Tiller on February 20, 2011, 08:02:17 pm
Mike, I'm the same way. I have been in a couple tight spots before. One time, I was armed but able to pull into a police station and get the police to stop the guy who had been chasing me in his car. There are nuts out there and if it was not for the police being right there, I doubt it would have ended well.

I think I would rather have it on my person and never need it than be without out it and in desperate need of one.
Title: Re: What do you carry?
Post by: El Destructo on February 20, 2011, 10:24:50 pm
You said a Mouthful in that last Statement David....and it's all True...just look at the Crime rate Drops in all States that have Concealed carry Laws...way Wanna-Be Gangsta is going to try something not knowing if or what You are packing.
Title: Re: What do you carry?
Post by: D. Tiller on February 28, 2011, 12:14:36 am
Title: Re: What do you carry?
Post by: Brock on February 28, 2011, 01:04:51 am
for carry......Sig P220 in winter, Sig P239 in Summer and in vehicle.  Out in field usually Ruger SBH ..usually my .45 Bisley Hunter in side holster.
Title: Re: What do you carry?
Post by: bucksbuoy on February 28, 2011, 07:04:51 pm
Buck Solo 2 and a half inch pen knife. hahaha