Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Around the Campfire => Topic started by: BowSlayer on June 24, 2013, 12:15:06 pm

Title: Going to try Fox! your thoughts?
Post by: BowSlayer on June 24, 2013, 12:15:06 pm
hey everyone. i'm going to try roasting a leg of fox tonight. this morrning i got a fox and after skinning it i looked at it and thought it would be interesting to see how it tastes. after eating squirrel a few times ive noticed that game can be tough so i have it sitting in some salt water for 6 hours to help tenderise it. i plan on roasting it for 2-3 hours. what are your thoughts?

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Title: Re: Going to try Fox! your thoughts?
Post by: Marks on June 24, 2013, 01:03:51 pm
A little Google search says it doesn't taste very good. It said it is tough and gamey and easy to dry out since It has very little fat content.

My only suggestion is to make sure it was fresh. It seems like a while back you said you get em road kill style. Also use lots and lots of BBQ sauce. haha. yuck.
Finally, be sure it is cooked well. Cooking it well may mean it dries out but those guys feed on carrion.

Let us know how it turns out. I won't be trying it anyway but I'd still like to know.
Title: Re: Going to try Fox! your thoughts?
Post by: keef on June 24, 2013, 01:16:34 pm
  I have tried cooking it once to satisfy my curiosity and it was a forelimb just like that one. Mine came from a yearling vixen that I shot and skinned out for a taxidermist friend of mine.

I cubed the meat and cooked it in a stew very slowly with onions ,stock , wine etc as one would cook a Roe deer venison stew..... The verdict on the dish was that it was almost indestinguishable from roe deer...Really it was fine

Where did you get the fox from though, as I understand you are just a boy and I doubt that you shot it yourself????...If its raoadkill, are you sure that its guts havent contaminated the meat???... Correct field preparation and hygiene are seriously important if you aim to eat an animal and experience is advised.

Please post photos of the finished dish.. so we know !!
Title: Re: Going to try Fox! your thoughts?
Post by: WillS on June 24, 2013, 01:20:35 pm
Oh man.  You're aware of what UK foxes live on, right?  In all honesty, if you found that dead fox anywhere near an urban area I'd leave well alone.  Do you know how it died, and when?  If you killed it yourself that's stupidly illegal, and you can't be that stupid so I'm assuming you just found it dead.  If it's roadkill you have no idea where it was living/scavenging, and if it was just found dead somewhere you have no idea what it died of, so....


P.S.  Probably worth mentioning I have no problem whatsoever with the consumption of wild hunted food.  But I wouldn't touch a dead fox from this country with a 7ft bow stave.  I wouldn't feed dead mice, rats or game that I just found to my snakes, let alone eat them myself.
Title: Re: Going to try Fox! your thoughts?
Post by: BowSlayer on June 24, 2013, 02:06:52 pm
A while back I contacted a pest exterminator and he caught this one this morning and delivered it to me in a plastic bag. He dispatched it at 9:00 in the morning and I started skining it at 10:30 he said it was caught on a farm so im asuming it was not an urban fox. When skinning it, it seemed healthy.  Im going to start cooking it in about an hour.  Ill post pictures of it and tell you guys how it goes. I have some squirrel in the freezer so when my GF comes round on Thursday I may cook her squirrel and chips for starters and if this works out roast fox for main :laugh: but being serious if you don't hear from me in a week......
Title: Re: Going to try Fox! your thoughts?
Post by: keef on June 24, 2013, 02:12:10 pm
WillS.. I appreciate that most of the points you made are true, and I poined  out to Bowslayer that game preparation etc is paramount.
However, Shooting a fox in the UK is not illegal provided you have landowners permission and the correct firearms or shotgun certification.

Also, fox is definitely a carrion eater and a predator , but it also will eat fruit and insects etc, etc..... folks in the US eat bear...Is that much different?

Please dont dismiss this offhand as I tried it and I lived !!! werent bad either...LOL I have been preparing game that I've shot with my catauplt, airgun, shotgun, and rifle  since I was a nipper so I know whats fit for the table.

Just to say that its not something I plan to try again, but heck, If I needed to find food it would be an option for absolute sure.

All the best mate and just pointing out my thoughts....

Title: Re: Going to try Fox! your thoughts?
Post by: keef on June 24, 2013, 02:17:59 pm
" so when my GF comes round on Thursday I may cook her squirrel and chips for starters and if this works out roast fox for main"
And we plummet into the realms of fantasy again.........HHHmmmm ??? ???
Title: Re: Going to try Fox! your thoughts?
Post by: BowSlayer on June 24, 2013, 02:19:55 pm
" so when my GF comes round on Thursday I may cook her squirrel and chips for starters and if this works out roast fox for main"
And we plummet into the realms of fantasy again.........HHHmmmm ??? ???

Im not joking.  If all goes well I don't see why not?  I've cooked her rabbit and pigeon before.
Title: Re: Going to try Fox! your thoughts?
Post by: Mike_H on June 24, 2013, 03:22:04 pm
It's not too bad. Just about the same taste as coyote.  Both are best stewed anyway.
Title: Re: Going to try Fox! your thoughts?
Post by: BowSlayer on June 24, 2013, 03:39:28 pm
welcome to the first ever episode of... Cooking with bow slayer. on todays show we will be cooking a haunch of fox! :laugh:
ok so ive just put it in the oven so i think i will upload some pics. got kinda scared because my camera battery died. luckily i had a spare one ;) ok here are the pics.

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i wanted to brown it of first in the pan to seal in all the jucies as i have read it can become dry quickly.

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here i have added the meat to the pan.

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then i turned it over.

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after 2 mins of cooking on each side i placed in a roasting dish.

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then i covered it with Bacon ;D

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then i peeled an onion, cut it in half and placed it in the roasting dish.

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up until now i was following a recipie for roasting deer, it said to use red wine but we didn't have any so i used beer.

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hmmm. how did this picture get here?

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finnaly got it covered with tin foil and put it in the oven for 3 hours on a low heat.

thanks for looking.

Title: Re: Going to try Fox! your thoughts?
Post by: WillS on June 24, 2013, 03:52:39 pm
WillS.. I appreciate that most of the points you made are true, and I poined  out to Bowslayer that game preparation etc is paramount.
However, Shooting a fox in the UK is not illegal provided you have landowners permission and the correct firearms or shotgun certification.

Also, fox is definitely a carrion eater and a predator , but it also will eat fruit and insects etc, etc..... folks in the US eat bear...Is that much different?

Please dont dismiss this offhand as I tried it and I lived !!! werent bad either...LOL I have been preparing game that I've shot with my catauplt, airgun, shotgun, and rifle  since I was a nipper so I know whats fit for the table.

Just to say that its not something I plan to try again, but heck, If I needed to find food it would be an option for absolute sure.

All the best mate and just pointing out my thoughts....

S'alright, I agree with you! I know shooting foxes with a licensed firearm is legit over here, but as far as I'm aware using anything else is pretty much illegal.  I'd be doing it with a bow if it was allowed!  Like I said, nothing wrong with eating fresh caught wild meat either, but I'd still avoid urban foxes as the chances of it having eaten something dodgy and contracting various diseases from other animals would put me off.  You also never know about pesticides etc etc.  It's always wise to be cautious as far as I'm concerned.
Title: Re: Going to try Fox! your thoughts?
Post by: BowEd on June 24, 2013, 03:59:35 pm
LoL......I'll quote the fella from Australia in his movie.....YEEEAAA you can live on it but tastes like dung.Have fun.That's gonna be tougher than a 2$ steak.That's got to be sloooowwwly boiled and stewed in a crock pot for 4 hours before it'll get even close to tender.Been through that in the past.
Title: Re: Going to try Fox! your thoughts?
Post by: Marks on June 24, 2013, 04:05:49 pm
" so when my GF comes round on Thursday I may cook her squirrel and chips for starters and if this works out roast fox for main"
And we plummet into the realms of fantasy again.........HHHmmmm ??? ???

Im not joking.  If all goes well I don't see why not?  I've cooked her rabbit and pigeon before.

You are such a romantic. HAHAHAHA!!

I'm glad to hear it was fresh. I hope all goes well.
Title: Re: Going to try Fox! your thoughts?
Post by: mullet on June 24, 2013, 06:23:29 pm
Wrap it in bacon. Everything taste good with bacon. :)
Title: Re: Going to try Fox! your thoughts?
Post by: Thesquirrelslinger on June 24, 2013, 06:34:43 pm
I hate the taste, smell, and look of bacon.  8)
Title: Re: Going to try Fox! your thoughts?
Post by: Marks on June 24, 2013, 06:40:52 pm
I hate the taste, smell, and look of bacon.  8)

That's blasphemy!!
Title: Re: Going to try Fox! your thoughts?
Post by: BowSlayer on June 24, 2013, 06:48:07 pm
" so when my GF comes round on Thursday I may cook her squirrel and chips for starters and if this works out roast fox for main"
And we plummet into the realms of fantasy again.........HHHmmmm ??? ???

Im not joking.  If all goes well I don't see why not?  I've cooked her rabbit and pigeon before.

You are such a romantic. HAHAHAHA!!

I'm glad to hear it was fresh. I hope all goes well.

Lol thanks  :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Title: Re: Going to try Fox! your thoughts?
Post by: Ifrit617 on June 24, 2013, 07:44:30 pm
I hate the taste, smell, and look of bacon.  8)

You sir can not be American! Blasphemy I say! >:D >:D

Title: Re: Going to try Fox! your thoughts?
Post by: Olanigw (Pekane) on June 24, 2013, 07:48:58 pm
If you're jewish or muslim, I respect that.  If there's not a religious force guiding your dislike... You just haven't had the right bacon yet.
Title: Re: Going to try Fox! your thoughts?
Post by: BowSlayer on June 24, 2013, 07:58:23 pm
Oh dear.  I see the start of a hijack  :-\
Title: Re: Going to try Fox! your thoughts?
Post by: PrimitiveTim on June 24, 2013, 08:01:54 pm
Oh dear.  I see the start of a hijack  :-\
Bacon has the right to hijack anything!
Title: Re: Going to try Fox! your thoughts?
Post by: Marks on June 24, 2013, 09:22:42 pm
It not a hijack. We are just casual talk while we wait for he results to come in.
Title: Re: Going to try Fox! your thoughts?
Post by: BOWMAN53 on June 25, 2013, 12:28:44 am
dont like bacon?!?!?! my brain doesnt understand how this is possible.
Title: Re: Going to try Fox! your thoughts?
Post by: 4dog on June 25, 2013, 02:09:37 am
Pics of yer lovely lady with ya, or, it didnt happen.  >:D
Title: Re: Going to try Fox! your thoughts?
Post by: Joec123able on June 25, 2013, 02:32:52 am
How did the fox taste bowslayer
Title: Re: Going to try Fox! your thoughts?
Post by: Dharma on June 25, 2013, 02:38:11 am
In the army, I saw dudes that passed up bacon to eat SOS. In my earnest investigation of the culinary delights of mess hall cuisine, I tried the infamous "chipped beef on toast" (except the 101st Airborne chow halls were using hamburger instead of chipped beef, or at least I thought it was hamburger, who knows what it was, probably not even the mess SGT himself knew.) And I could never understand why anyone would pass up bacon for this swill. I meditated at length upon this one time in a deuce-and-a-half coming back from a night fire exercise. Some dudes blew out the range marker light on that one, but I digress. We won't discuss the crew that blew away a deer on the M-60 range. And I still could not fathom why anyone would pass up all that bacon for SOS. Of course, only the lifers were eating it after drinking bad coffee in top's office. I mean, you could have bacon every day in the army. Or at least you could when I was there in the 1980s. If the army had thought to make bacon MREs, they could have really upped the retention rate. That's the only reason we won the Cold War. Bacon. It's true. I was there.
Title: Re: Going to try Fox! your thoughts?
Post by: wildman on June 25, 2013, 03:37:48 am
Squirrelslinger you cannot be from Kentucky and not like bacon we won't let you live in the state, there probably is a government taskforce closing in on you now!
I have never tried fox,I would agree no worse than eating bear. I did however try bobcat onetime not enough bacon in the world,not unlike licking a litterbox.
Title: Re: Going to try Fox! your thoughts?
Post by: Marks on June 25, 2013, 01:21:43 pm
Aight Bowslayer, It has been a sufficient amount of time and you have since put up a thread about yew so I know you are around.

How did it go? Are you still picking fox out of your teeth? How was the hot date? We want all of the sloppy details.  ;D
Title: Re: Going to try Fox! your thoughts?
Post by: BowSlayer on June 25, 2013, 01:39:43 pm
Aight Bowslayer, It has been a sufficient amount of time and you have since put up a thread about yew so I know you are around.

How did it go? Are you still picking fox out of your teeth? How was the hot date? We want all of the sloppy details.  ;D

yeah, im still around. the fox was totally awsome! i really loved it and think it is very underated as meat. it tasted like something between lamb and venison. it was tender and melt in your mouth goodness. yesterday was just a trial for the fox the date is on thursday or friday. ill post an update on how it goes. i recomend that if you get a fox you try this. you will thank me for it later. thanks for looking all.
Title: Re: Going to try Fox! your thoughts?
Post by: 4dog on June 25, 2013, 03:07:05 pm
Remember,pics or it didnt happen.
Title: Re: Going to try Fox! your thoughts?
Post by: keef on June 25, 2013, 03:16:52 pm
If you have a girlfriend then please take my advice mr Bowslayer.

          Do not serve her fox

She wont find it either funny or nutritious in any way, shape or form.......... Trust me !

Title: Re: Going to try Fox! your thoughts?
Post by: Marks on June 25, 2013, 03:52:24 pm
If you have a girlfriend then please take my advice mr Bowslayer.

          Do not serve her fox

She wont find it either funny or nutritious in any way, shape or form.......... Trust me !

You are what you eat. He will have one foxy girlfriend after this. hehe

Slayer, I kinda agree with Keef's advice but I will modify it a little. 'Do not serve her fox' without her knowing it is fox and being ok with it.
I'm glad everything turned out with it. I still will not be trying it but I am happy for you. Don't forget to post a pic of the 2 of you eating fox together.
Title: Re: Going to try Fox! your thoughts?
Post by: BowSlayer on June 25, 2013, 03:57:21 pm
Remember,pics or it didnt happen.

ive put up more pics of me cooking it on the first page. ill try and get some pics of us on our date.

If you have a girlfriend then please take my advice mr Bowslayer.

          Do not serve her fox

She wont find it either funny or nutritious in any way, shape or form.......... Trust me !

You are what you eat. He will have one foxy girlfriend after this. hehe

Slayer, I kinda agree with Keef's advice but I will modify it a little. 'Do not serve her fox' without her knowing it is fox and being ok with it.
I'm glad everything turned out with it. I still will not be trying it but I am happy for you. Don't forget to post a pic of the 2 of you eating fox together.

don't worry, she knows it's going to be be fox and she's up for it as far as i know. im thinking a candle lit dinner in the garden.
Title: Re: Going to try Fox! your thoughts?
Post by: Olanigw (Pekane) on June 25, 2013, 06:06:19 pm
for the love of god, rinse it off in the sink!

I see hair and dirt on that meat.

Roast it for far longer than 3 hours.  you want an internal temperature of 200+ for at least that long, probably longer.
Title: Re: Going to try Fox! your thoughts?
Post by: 4dog on June 25, 2013, 06:38:30 pm
I cant wait >:D
Title: Re: Going to try Fox! your thoughts?
Post by: BowSlayer on June 25, 2013, 06:52:19 pm
I cant wait >:D

ermmm. until  ???
Title: Re: Going to try Fox! your thoughts?
Post by: Gus on June 25, 2013, 11:18:40 pm
I've had fox a few times...
It kinda reminds me of a cross between Yorkie and Weimaraner...  >:D

I like to boil it a bit then Chicken-Fry it in a mixture of Bacon Grease and Butter.
Then make Cream Gravy to go over Smashed Potatoes served with Green Beans...

Good Stuff...


Title: Re: Going to try Fox! your thoughts?
Post by: criveraville on June 26, 2013, 12:06:01 am
Wrap it in bacon. Everything taste good with bacon. :)

Bacon is food DUCT tape ;)

Title: Re: Going to try Fox! your thoughts?
Post by: stickbender on June 26, 2013, 12:08:18 am
     Ahhhh, the good old days, ...... a hot date, and getting to eat a fox!  8) >:D ::) :P ;D ;D ;D ;D
Good Luck, and like it was said, pictures, or it didn't happen! ;) ;D

     Squirrel Slinger, You're from Kentucky?  You don't like Bacon?  You must mean the English playwright , that some have accused of having written Shakespear's works.  But if you don't like pork belly, then boy, you must've gotten kicked by a mule! :o :P
Like the restaurant marquis said, you either love bacon, or you're lying! ;)
You live under any high tension power lines do you?

Title: Re: Going to try Fox! your thoughts?
Post by: criveraville on June 26, 2013, 12:10:54 am
I like to boil it a bit then Chicken-Fry it in a mixture of Bacon Grease and Butter.
Then make Cream Gravy to go over Smashed Potatoes served with Green Beans...

Good Stuff...


Me too.. Then I toss out he fox and eat the tators and green beans..

Title: Re: Going to try Fox! your thoughts?
Post by: 4dog on June 26, 2013, 03:03:25 am
Listen to Cipriano, cuz Texicans eat everything at least where i am they do!! >:D
Title: Re: Going to try Fox! your thoughts?
Post by: stickbender on June 26, 2013, 03:20:50 pm

     Well, I hope it all turns out well for you.  You are lucky to have a GF that is adventurous enough to at least "TRY" various kinds of food.  Of course if she goes home and tells her Mum, and Dad, that she ate a wild animal, and then tells them it was a fox, she might be scarce for awhile...... ::)  of course you could always, have a plate of "Bangers, and beans", and some chips, and cold beer ready, just in case, it turns out a little like eating an old well used tennis shoe.  In taste and texture. :P  Just be sure to add some granulated garlic, and if you have it over there, some Cajun seasoning.  Those two items are a must for me! ;)  If you don't have either of those, just add some crushed fresh garlic cloves, about ten minutes before you take out the food.  That way, the garlic will not cook it's flavor out.  I think it is going to turn out quite nice.  Pigeon by the way  is quite tasty.  Like a big morning dove, that we hunt over here.  We used to go down to a local dairy, and shoot the pigeons, that were eating the calf feed.  Only problem, is that the pigeons had mites.  But we just picked the feathers off, as soon as we picked them up.  Ok, pictures of the GF, and the meal in presentation, and her face as she takes the first bite. ;) :P ;D 

Title: Re: Going to try Fox! your thoughts?
Post by: Rick Wallace on June 27, 2013, 07:06:05 am
I hate the taste, smell, and look of bacon.  8)
HUH?  Something not rite there   ???
Title: Re: Going to try Fox! your thoughts?
Post by: crooketarrow on June 27, 2013, 08:38:21 am
   When I was a kid me and the boy next door went on dozens and dozzens of camping trips. Quite a few were what we called survile camping. We soon found out it made it a lot easyer if you took a 22 along. Twice I shot reds we roasted ours over a open fire. After a couple days with no foor. Covered with salt ,pepper with lots of butter it was'nt all that bad.
  Later in life late teens, I trapper alot,  with snares I have a couple a few foxs most mornings. I put couple quarters in a cooking bag and BQ it untill it fell off the bone. Would'nt want it every day but not all that bad.
Title: Re: Going to try Fox! your thoughts?
Post by: lowell on June 28, 2013, 09:38:29 am
I like to boil it a bit then Chicken-Fry it in a mixture of Bacon Grease and Butter.
Then make Cream Gravy to go over Smashed Potatoes served with Green Beans...

Good Stuff...


Me too.. Then I toss out he fox and eat the tators and green beans..


    You beat me to it Cip.........I was going to say the beans sound great!! ;)
Title: Re: Going to try Fox! your thoughts?
Post by: Mike_H on June 28, 2013, 01:01:15 pm
Bacon doesn't always make things better.  My wife and I caught three trash fish, no clue what they were.  But we wrapped them in bacon to try to make them taste better and the durn things took the taste OUT of the bacon!  And no, the fish didn't taste like bacon either.  Gotta be demon fish.
Title: Re: Going to try Fox! your thoughts?
Post by: Stoker on June 28, 2013, 04:04:58 pm
Bacon doesn't always make things better.  My wife and I caught three trash fish, no clue what they were.  But we wrapped them in bacon to try to make them taste better and the durn things took the taste OUT of the bacon!  And no, the fish didn't taste like bacon either.  Gotta be demon fish.

Y'all didn't use enough bacon
Thanks Leroy
Wrap it in bacon. Everything taste good with bacon. :)

Bacon is food DUCT tape ;)

Cipriano - permission to steal the quote
Thanks Leroy
Title: Re: Going to try Fox! your thoughts?
Post by: BowSlayer on June 28, 2013, 08:34:57 pm
Bacon doesn't always make things better.  My wife and I caught three trash fish, no clue what they were.  But we wrapped them in bacon to try to make them taste better and the durn things took the taste OUT of the bacon!  And no, the fish didn't taste like bacon either.  Gotta be demon fish.

Y'all didn't use enough bacon
Thanks Leroy
Wrap it in bacon. Everything taste good with bacon. :)

Bacon is food DUCT tape ;)

Cipriano - permission to steal the quote
Thanks Leroy

Lol :laugh: ;D ;D
Title: Re: Going to try Fox! your thoughts?
Post by: Thesquirrelslinger on June 28, 2013, 08:41:34 pm
     Squirrel Slinger, You're from Kentucky?  You don't like Bacon?  You must mean the English playwright , that some have accused of having written Shakespear's works.  But if you don't like pork belly, then boy, you must've gotten kicked by a mule! :o :P
Like the restaurant marquis said, you either love bacon, or you're lying! ;)
You live under any high tension power lines do you?

Nope, I don't live under any high tension power lines, just a high tension bowstring ;)
I don't like pig-butt. I think it tastes bad.
Title: Re: Going to try Fox! your thoughts?
Post by: stickbender on June 29, 2013, 12:01:22 am
Bacon doesn't always make things better.  My wife and I caught three trash fish, no clue what they were.  But we wrapped them in bacon to try to make them taste better and the durn things took the taste OUT of the bacon!  And no, the fish didn't taste like bacon either.  Gotta be demon fish.

      Should've just use the trash fish for bait, and ate the bacon. ;)

Title: Re: Going to try Fox! your thoughts?
Post by: stickbender on June 29, 2013, 12:10:45 am

     Well Squirrel Slinger, I think I see your problem with bacon.  Pig butt "WILL" leave you with a bitter taste in your mouth, :P ::) but pork belly, salted, and aged, is just down right delicious! ;) 8)
I only eat uncured bacon, or ham anyway.  All the unnecessary, Chinese chemistry set ingredients they put in the food, is not good. 
Title: Re: Going to try Fox! your thoughts?
Post by: Newindian on June 29, 2013, 02:03:04 am
I hate the taste, smell, and look of bacon.  8)
You know, they can do wonderful things at mental institutions
Title: Re: Going to try Fox! your thoughts?
Post by: Thesquirrelslinger on June 29, 2013, 10:26:20 am
guess what else I don't like- eggs. And most steak.
Title: Re: Going to try Fox! your thoughts?
Post by: Dharma on June 29, 2013, 11:30:02 am
Well, there's bacon and then there's BACON. Shwag bacon, well, the only way to eat it is when you get it home, take it out of the package, throw the bacon away, fry and eat the package. But good bacon is what turns Ranch Style beans out of the can into a meal along with piping hot, buttered flour tortillas or some pan-fried cornbread.
Title: Re: Going to try Fox! your thoughts?
Post by: Thesquirrelslinger on June 29, 2013, 12:18:34 pm
BTW the only bacon I have ever had is "lean" turkey bacon
Title: Re: Going to try Fox! your thoughts?
Post by: sonny on June 29, 2013, 02:44:05 pm
How can you say that you don't like bacon if you've never had it ??  :o
Title: Re: Going to try Fox! your thoughts?
Post by: 4dog on June 29, 2013, 03:04:16 pm
For some folks bacon would be an "unclean" animal, would this be the case for you Squirrel? If so dont worry about eating the pig, turkey bacon is close enough.
Title: Re: Going to try Fox! your thoughts?
Post by: JackCrafty on June 29, 2013, 03:40:07 pm
I like this thread!
Title: Re: Going to try Fox! your thoughts?
Post by: Thesquirrelslinger on June 29, 2013, 05:57:48 pm
For some folks bacon would be an "unclean" animal, would this be the case for you Squirrel? If so dont worry about eating the pig, turkey bacon is close enough.
Nope, i am Christian. I just don't like the taste! 
Title: Re: Going to try Fox! your thoughts?
Post by: Newindian on June 29, 2013, 07:39:06 pm
BTW the only bacon I have ever had is "lean" turkey bacon
This could be the source of our problem. I can't hardly eat eggs either, but saying no to steak is almost as bad as saying no to bacon
Title: Re: Going to try Fox! your thoughts?
Post by: Joec123able on June 29, 2013, 08:00:13 pm
Calm down every one ! If he doesn't like bacon then he doesn't like it !
Title: Re: Going to try Fox! your thoughts?
Post by: BowSlayer on June 29, 2013, 08:24:26 pm
Maybe someone should make fox bacon >:D
Title: Re: Going to try Fox! your thoughts?
Post by: Marks on June 29, 2013, 08:46:24 pm
Maybe someone should make fox bacon >:D
Where are the date pics?

BTW the only bacon I have ever had is "lean" turkey bacon


Youve never had bacon then. Bacon is made from pigs and is much better than the fake turkey stuff. You owe it to yourself to try the real thing. Thick cut. I like mine chewy, not crispy. Not overdone
Title: Re: Going to try Fox! your thoughts?
Post by: Lemos on June 29, 2013, 10:39:47 pm
My gramps used to say about everything I wouldn't eat "fine don't eat it then, more for me".  So with that logic there's just a little more bacon to go around for those who do love it.
Title: Re: Going to try Fox! your thoughts?
Post by: Mike_H on June 30, 2013, 07:29:03 pm
Bacon doesn't always make things better.  My wife and I caught three trash fish, no clue what they were.  But we wrapped them in bacon to try to make them taste better and the durn things took the taste OUT of the bacon!  And no, the fish didn't taste like bacon either.  Gotta be demon fish.

      Should've just use the trash fish for bait, and ate the bacon. ;)


Wayne, we caught 'em so we had to eat 'em.  Just the kinda folks we are.

And we encased them in bacon, didn't help
Title: Re: Going to try Fox! your thoughts?
Post by: Marks on June 30, 2013, 08:41:49 pm
Catch and release is perfectly ethical.
Title: Re: Going to try Fox! your thoughts?
Post by: stickbender on July 01, 2013, 12:44:36 am

     What kind of trash fish?  Mudfish? (Bowfin)  even using them for bait, is ethical, at least they weren't just tossed on the bank, and left to rot.  they can be used to catch catfish, and a number of other fish, and crawfish, and turtles, etc.  Then you can save the bacon for mater sandwiches, and crumpled in the cheese grits, and oh so many things, or in a biscuit, or even just bacon by itself.

Title: Re: Going to try Fox! your thoughts?
Post by: stickbender on July 01, 2013, 12:48:03 am

     OK, Bow slayer, time for the pictures! ;)  Stand and deliver, mate! :o ;D ;D

Title: Re: Going to try Fox! your thoughts?
Post by: Thesquirrelslinger on July 01, 2013, 01:27:39 am
Before you guys continue ranting about bacon, lets get back to fox. How does it taste?
Sorry for hijacking the thread...
(plus I have been always told bacon is pig back legs.)
Title: Re: Going to try Fox! your thoughts?
Post by: 4dog on July 01, 2013, 02:30:27 am
Coulda used the trash fish to bait a fox, i hear thats some goo!d eatin
Title: Re: Going to try Fox! your thoughts?
Post by: BowSlayer on July 01, 2013, 05:41:21 am

     OK, Bow slayer, time for the pictures! ;)  Stand and deliver, mate! :o ;D ;D


She wouldn't let me take her picture when she was eating  it turned out to be more of a picnic than a romantic dinner. She liked it but probably not as much as me. One thing I noticed is that it fills you up very quickly I didn't have any breakfast that day but got really full. Still tasted great did get a picture of us together and I can post that if you like.   :D
Title: Re: Going to try Fox! your thoughts?
Post by: Marks on July 01, 2013, 11:23:53 am
Might as well post it. I understand, the ladies don't like getting pics with food in their mouth. We will take what we can get. Glad yall enjoyed it. Sounds like you got a good one if she is willing to try stuff like that.
Title: Re: Going to try Fox! your thoughts?
Post by: BowSlayer on July 01, 2013, 12:11:38 pm
Ok ill post it later.  ;D
Title: Re: Going to try Fox! your thoughts?
Post by: stickbender on July 02, 2013, 12:36:13 am
     Now that's a good lad! ;) 8) ;D ;D
Yep, sounds like you got a good one there BowSlayer.  I am glad that the fox turned out well.  The reason it filled you up, is probably because it is so lean.
Do you have ground hogs (Marmots) over there?  You might try one of those next. ;)  Oh by all means, post a "post" dinner picture of the two of you. ;) 8)

Title: Re: Going to try Fox! your thoughts?
Post by: BowSlayer on July 02, 2013, 06:29:32 am
here is the pic of us together after eating the fox. the fact were both smiling means it must have been ok and that we both liked it. >:D ;D :laugh:

( (
Title: Re: Going to try Fox! your thoughts?
Post by: mullet on July 02, 2013, 07:45:12 am
Looks like she's getting ready to cry. ???
Title: Re: Going to try Fox! your thoughts?
Post by: JW_Halverson on July 02, 2013, 02:43:04 pm
Looks like she's getting ready to cry. ???

Or hurl...
Title: Re: Going to try Fox! your thoughts?
Post by: stickbender on July 02, 2013, 02:48:53 pm
     Yes Sir, you've got a good one there.  I think she realizes, that in case of a world class calamity, she and you will be able to at least eat, while the rest of the population, are busy trying to take what they can from those weaker than them.  Now, you can practice your wilderness living, and foraging skills.  Learn the local edible plants, and making fish traps, and snares, and other primitive traps.  Not that you should actually use them,  ::) but learn how to. ;)  Also learn to make primitive shelters, deep in the forests, near a water source, but too close. Learn to make a suitable water craft, even it is just a poncho, or plastic sheeting canoe. All things that will serve you well, even if it is only for the knowledge.  Just don't let the Sheriff of Nottingham, catch in Sherwood forest!  :o :o :o ;D ;D  Well sir, I would hoist a pint (Pabst Blue Ribbon) to the two of you, but.....but.....I have to go to the store, to get some more, as I am out!!! :o :o :o :P :(  Glad to hear that all went well, and there were no, harsh comments about your mental capacity to process normal, and ethically practical, eating behavior, as is perceived by the masses. ;)  Well keep us posted of other gastronomical adventures  you dare to step into.  Enjoyed this thread.  We have, or had a book over here called the road kill cafe.  Had road kill recipes in it. :P ;)  Perhaps you should write a book on the delicacy of road kill, and pest control dietary delights.  Sort of a vagabonds Epicurean guide to the back road travelers, menu and recipes of fine dining. :P ::) ;D

Title: Re: Going to try Fox! your thoughts?
Post by: 4dog on July 02, 2013, 03:01:59 pm
Well i'll be , the Squirrel got him a girl, good for you!
Title: Re: Going to try Fox! your thoughts?
Post by: Thesquirrelslinger on July 02, 2013, 04:10:20 pm
1. Only one of the squirrels has a girlfriend ;)
2. I think learning how to use traps is fun. Just don't use them on actual animals unless you have dire need.
Primitive shelters are fun, but learn how to conceal them.
Practice with the poncho or tarp canoe in a pool, not a lake or pond. Its a lot safer.

LOL ;)
This is some sort of joke, right?
Title: Re: Going to try Fox! your thoughts?
Post by: BowSlayer on July 02, 2013, 05:02:06 pm
     Yes Sir, you've got a good one there.  I think she realizes, that in case of a world class calamity, she and you will be able to at least eat, while the rest of the population, are busy trying to take what they can from those weaker than them.  Now, you can practice your wilderness living, and foraging skills.  Learn the local edible plants, and making fish traps, and snares, and other primitive traps.  Not that you should actually use them,  ::) but learn how to. ;)  Also learn to make primitive shelters, deep in the forests, near a water source, but too close. Learn to make a suitable water craft, even it is just a poncho, or plastic sheeting canoe. All things that will serve you well, even if it is only for the knowledge.  Just don't let the Sheriff of Nottingham, catch in Sherwood forest!  :o :o :o ;D ;D  Well sir, I would hoist a pint (Pabst Blue Ribbon) to the two of you, but.....but.....I have to go to the store, to get some more, as I am out!!! :o :o :o :P :(  Glad to hear that all went well, and there were no, harsh comments about your mental capacity to process normal, and ethically practical, eating behavior, as is perceived by the masses. ;)  Well keep us posted of other gastronomical adventures  you dare to step into.  Enjoyed this thread.  We have, or had a book over here called the road kill cafe.  Had road kill recipes in it. :P ;)  Perhaps you should write a book on the delicacy of road kill, and pest control dietary delights.  Sort of a vagabonds Epicurean guide to the back road travelers, menu and recipes of fine dining. :P ::) ;D

wow, thanks. im thinking of making a second youtube channel called "backyardbushcraft" where i can put all my videos of bow making, fire lighting, fox skinning/eating, ect... that way i can put all my short films on my current channel.
Title: Re: Going to try Fox! your thoughts?
Post by: Thesquirrelslinger on July 02, 2013, 05:13:06 pm
     Yes Sir, you've got a good one there.  I think she realizes, that in case of a world class calamity, she and you will be able to at least eat, while the rest of the population, are busy trying to take what they can from those weaker than them.  Now, you can practice your wilderness living, and foraging skills.  Learn the local edible plants, and making fish traps, and snares, and other primitive traps.  Not that you should actually use them,  ::) but learn how to. ;)  Also learn to make primitive shelters, deep in the forests, near a water source, but too close. Learn to make a suitable water craft, even it is just a poncho, or plastic sheeting canoe. All things that will serve you well, even if it is only for the knowledge.  Just don't let the Sheriff of Nottingham, catch in Sherwood forest!  :o :o :o ;D ;D  Well sir, I would hoist a pint (Pabst Blue Ribbon) to the two of you, but.....but.....I have to go to the store, to get some more, as I am out!!! :o :o :o :P :(  Glad to hear that all went well, and there were no, harsh comments about your mental capacity to process normal, and ethically practical, eating behavior, as is perceived by the masses. ;)  Well keep us posted of other gastronomical adventures  you dare to step into.  Enjoyed this thread.  We have, or had a book over here called the road kill cafe.  Had road kill recipes in it. :P ;)  Perhaps you should write a book on the delicacy of road kill, and pest control dietary delights.  Sort of a vagabonds Epicurean guide to the back road travelers, menu and recipes of fine dining. :P ::) ;D

wow, thanks. im thinking of making a second youtube channel called "backyardbushcraft" where i can put all my videos of bow making, fire lighting, fox skinning/eating, ect... that way i can put all my short films on my current channel.
You ever tried flint and steel fire lighting?
Its pretty fun.
Title: Re: Going to try Fox! your thoughts?
Post by: BowSlayer on July 02, 2013, 05:17:59 pm
     Yes Sir, you've got a good one there.  I think she realizes, that in case of a world class calamity, she and you will be able to at least eat, while the rest of the population, are busy trying to take what they can from those weaker than them.  Now, you can practice your wilderness living, and foraging skills.  Learn the local edible plants, and making fish traps, and snares, and other primitive traps.  Not that you should actually use them,  ::) but learn how to. ;)  Also learn to make primitive shelters, deep in the forests, near a water source, but too close. Learn to make a suitable water craft, even it is just a poncho, or plastic sheeting canoe. All things that will serve you well, even if it is only for the knowledge.  Just don't let the Sheriff of Nottingham, catch in Sherwood forest!  :o :o :o ;D ;D  Well sir, I would hoist a pint (Pabst Blue Ribbon) to the two of you, but.....but.....I have to go to the store, to get some more, as I am out!!! :o :o :o :P :(  Glad to hear that all went well, and there were no, harsh comments about your mental capacity to process normal, and ethically practical, eating behavior, as is perceived by the masses. ;)  Well keep us posted of other gastronomical adventures  you dare to step into.  Enjoyed this thread.  We have, or had a book over here called the road kill cafe.  Had road kill recipes in it. :P ;)  Perhaps you should write a book on the delicacy of road kill, and pest control dietary delights.  Sort of a vagabonds Epicurean guide to the back road travelers, menu and recipes of fine dining. :P ::) ;D

wow, thanks. im thinking of making a second youtube channel called "backyardbushcraft" where i can put all my videos of bow making, fire lighting, fox skinning/eating, ect... that way i can put all my short films on my current channel.
You ever tried flint and steel fire lighting?
Its pretty fun.

yep, sure have. its fun but takes ages
Title: Re: Going to try Fox! your thoughts?
Post by: Thesquirrelslinger on July 02, 2013, 05:57:18 pm
     Yes Sir, you've got a good one there.  I think she realizes, that in case of a world class calamity, she and you will be able to at least eat, while the rest of the population, are busy trying to take what they can from those weaker than them.  Now, you can practice your wilderness living, and foraging skills.  Learn the local edible plants, and making fish traps, and snares, and other primitive traps.  Not that you should actually use them,  ::) but learn how to. ;)  Also learn to make primitive shelters, deep in the forests, near a water source, but too close. Learn to make a suitable water craft, even it is just a poncho, or plastic sheeting canoe. All things that will serve you well, even if it is only for the knowledge.  Just don't let the Sheriff of Nottingham, catch in Sherwood forest!  :o :o :o ;D ;D  Well sir, I would hoist a pint (Pabst Blue Ribbon) to the two of you, but.....but.....I have to go to the store, to get some more, as I am out!!! :o :o :o :P :(  Glad to hear that all went well, and there were no, harsh comments about your mental capacity to process normal, and ethically practical, eating behavior, as is perceived by the masses. ;)  Well keep us posted of other gastronomical adventures  you dare to step into.  Enjoyed this thread.  We have, or had a book over here called the road kill cafe.  Had road kill recipes in it. :P ;)  Perhaps you should write a book on the delicacy of road kill, and pest control dietary delights.  Sort of a vagabonds Epicurean guide to the back road travelers, menu and recipes of fine dining. :P ::) ;D

wow, thanks. im thinking of making a second youtube channel called "backyardbushcraft" where i can put all my videos of bow making, fire lighting, fox skinning/eating, ect... that way i can put all my short films on my current channel.
You ever tried flint and steel fire lighting?
Its pretty fun.

yep, sure have. its fun but takes ages
BS... not as long as a fire with matches in a windy place ;)
Title: Re: Going to try Fox! your thoughts?
Post by: BowSlayer on July 02, 2013, 06:02:56 pm
     Yes Sir, you've got a good one there.  I think she realizes, that in case of a world class calamity, she and you will be able to at least eat, while the rest of the population, are busy trying to take what they can from those weaker than them.  Now, you can practice your wilderness living, and foraging skills.  Learn the local edible plants, and making fish traps, and snares, and other primitive traps.  Not that you should actually use them,  ::) but learn how to. ;)  Also learn to make primitive shelters, deep in the forests, near a water source, but too close. Learn to make a suitable water craft, even it is just a poncho, or plastic sheeting canoe. All things that will serve you well, even if it is only for the knowledge.  Just don't let the Sheriff of Nottingham, catch in Sherwood forest!  :o :o :o ;D ;D  Well sir, I would hoist a pint (Pabst Blue Ribbon) to the two of you, but.....but.....I have to go to the store, to get some more, as I am out!!! :o :o :o :P :(  Glad to hear that all went well, and there were no, harsh comments about your mental capacity to process normal, and ethically practical, eating behavior, as is perceived by the masses. ;)  Well keep us posted of other gastronomical adventures  you dare to step into.  Enjoyed this thread.  We have, or had a book over here called the road kill cafe.  Had road kill recipes in it. :P ;)  Perhaps you should write a book on the delicacy of road kill, and pest control dietary delights.  Sort of a vagabonds Epicurean guide to the back road travelers, menu and recipes of fine dining. :P ::) ;D

wow, thanks. im thinking of making a second youtube channel called "backyardbushcraft" where i can put all my videos of bow making, fire lighting, fox skinning/eating, ect... that way i can put all my short films on my current channel.
You ever tried flint and steel fire lighting?
Its pretty fun.

yep, sure have. its fun but takes ages
BS... not as long as a fire with matches in a windy place ;)

funny you should say that because today i was burning all the bows in the takedown bow meuseum (my pile of broken bows) and realised when they are stacked up right and with the right fire starter and kindling you can set fire to a 3" thick branch with a single match and it was very windy. not saying your wrong as i know what you mean from 7 years of camping :laugh:

Looks like she's getting ready to cry. ???

Or hurl...

or both :o LOL JK
Title: Re: Going to try Fox! your thoughts?
Post by: Thesquirrelslinger on July 02, 2013, 06:54:55 pm
     Yes Sir, you've got a good one there.  I think she realizes, that in case of a world class calamity, she and you will be able to at least eat, while the rest of the population, are busy trying to take what they can from those weaker than them.  Now, you can practice your wilderness living, and foraging skills.  Learn the local edible plants, and making fish traps, and snares, and other primitive traps.  Not that you should actually use them,  ::) but learn how to. ;)  Also learn to make primitive shelters, deep in the forests, near a water source, but too close. Learn to make a suitable water craft, even it is just a poncho, or plastic sheeting canoe. All things that will serve you well, even if it is only for the knowledge.  Just don't let the Sheriff of Nottingham, catch in Sherwood forest!  :o :o :o ;D ;D  Well sir, I would hoist a pint (Pabst Blue Ribbon) to the two of you, but.....but.....I have to go to the store, to get some more, as I am out!!! :o :o :o :P :(  Glad to hear that all went well, and there were no, harsh comments about your mental capacity to process normal, and ethically practical, eating behavior, as is perceived by the masses. ;)  Well keep us posted of other gastronomical adventures  you dare to step into.  Enjoyed this thread.  We have, or had a book over here called the road kill cafe.  Had road kill recipes in it. :P ;)  Perhaps you should write a book on the delicacy of road kill, and pest control dietary delights.  Sort of a vagabonds Epicurean guide to the back road travelers, menu and recipes of fine dining. :P ::) ;D

wow, thanks. im thinking of making a second youtube channel called "backyardbushcraft" where i can put all my videos of bow making, fire lighting, fox skinning/eating, ect... that way i can put all my short films on my current channel.
You ever tried flint and steel fire lighting?
Its pretty fun.

yep, sure have. its fun but takes ages
BS... not as long as a fire with matches in a windy place ;)

funny you should say that because today i was burning all the bows in the takedown bow meuseum (my pile of broken bows) and realised when they are stacked up right and with the right fire starter and kindling you can set fire to a 3" thick branch with a single match and it was very windy. not saying your wrong as i know what you mean from 7 years of camping :laugh:

Looks like she's getting ready to cry. ???

Or hurl...

or both :o LOL JK
OK, before I go eat- I have found that if its very windy, the wind tends to blow out your matches very, very quickly. In contrast, it just makes your charcloth burn really, really fast.
Title: Re: Going to try Fox! your thoughts?
Post by: BOWMAN53 on July 02, 2013, 07:46:27 pm
cousins dont count lol
Title: Re: Going to try Fox! your thoughts?
Post by: Thesquirrelslinger on July 02, 2013, 08:54:34 pm
cousins dont count lol
Title: Re: Going to try Fox! your thoughts?
Post by: stickbender on July 02, 2013, 09:52:25 pm
cousins dont count lol

     Depends on where you're from.......  ;) ::)

Title: Re: Going to try Fox! your thoughts?
Post by: Joec123able on July 02, 2013, 10:22:32 pm
cousins dont count lol

     Depends on where you're from.......  ;) ::)


Don't even go there, I hate it when people have that stereotype about the south
Title: Re: Going to try Fox! your thoughts?
Post by: mullet on July 02, 2013, 10:29:43 pm
cousins dont count lol

     Depends on where you're from.......  ;) ::)


Don't even go there, I hate it when people have that stereotype about the south
???Where? South England? :)
Title: Re: Going to try Fox! your thoughts?
Post by: Joec123able on July 02, 2013, 10:41:35 pm
cousins dont count lol

     Depends on where you're from.......  ;) ::)


Don't even go there, I hate it when people have that stereotype about the south
???Where? South England? :)

No south mars
Title: Re: Going to try Fox! your thoughts?
Post by: 4dog on July 03, 2013, 12:58:49 am
cousins dont count lol

     Depends on where you're from.......  ;) ::)


Not all the south,just the parts between texas and tennessee!! ( ducking now >:D)

Don't even go there, I hate it when people have that stereotype about the south
Title: Re: Going to try Fox! your thoughts?
Post by: Olanigw (Pekane) on July 03, 2013, 03:28:03 pm
cousins dont count lol

     Depends on where you're from.......  ;) ::)

Don't even go there, I hate it when people have that stereotype about the south
???Where? South England? :)
No south mars

Psycho girlfriend #1's parents were cousins, here in the frozen north.

Come to think of it, I was 16.  You all brought me back to a bad place... :'(

North or south, when you do come across it it's creepy as all get out.  When I found out I fought my way out of there like a cornered cat.  Horrible stereotype... shudder...
Title: Re: Going to try Fox! your thoughts?
Post by: Slackbunny on July 03, 2013, 05:11:50 pm
So we started out at a fox fry..... and now we've made our way into the murky waters of incestual relations... interesting.

You know that feeling when you meet a couple of real nice people, but as you get to know them they get weirder and weirder to the point that you are uncomfortable with the simple fact that they know where you live? This thread is like that.   
Title: Re: Going to try Fox! your thoughts?
Post by: bowtarist on July 03, 2013, 05:56:44 pm
This is my first reply to one of BS's posts, but I had to say that this is some funny shtuff.

Bacon comes from the belly and side meat of a pig/hog, ham comes from the hind leg.  Both are excellent eats.

Title: Re: Going to try Fox! your thoughts?
Post by: Joec123able on July 03, 2013, 05:58:06 pm
So we started out at a fox fry..... and now we've made our way into the murky waters of incestual relations... interesting.

You know that feeling when you meet a couple of real nice people, but as you get to know them they get weirder and weirder to the point that you are uncomfortable with the simple fact that they know where you live? This thread is like that.

I think we're all crazy, slackbunny
Title: Re: Going to try Fox! your thoughts?
Post by: BowSlayer on July 03, 2013, 08:07:09 pm
I think this thread has had 3 different hijacks. :laugh: a little update, I got together with my girlfriend today and now she wants me to cook fox for her family  :o ??? :o I only have 2 legs left.  :-[  and only one bottle of beer  :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Title: Re: Going to try Fox! your thoughts?
Post by: Thesquirrelslinger on July 04, 2013, 12:28:18 am
I think this thread has had 3 different hijacks. :laugh: a little update, I got together with my girlfriend today and now she wants me to cook fox for her family  :o ??? :o I only have 2 legs left.  :-[  and only one bottle of beer  :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
hahha how old are you?
Title: Re: Going to try Fox! your thoughts?
Post by: stickbender on July 04, 2013, 03:01:11 am

     Tell her parents that you will bring the Fox, if they bring the beer. ;)
Sounds like a  fair deal to me.  What with you doing the cooking, and supplying the meat.  ;) 8)
Keep an eye on them though, to make sure they don't slip any to "Skippy" The three legged Jack Russel. ;) ;D ;D ::)

Oh, and I am from the South.  And no, I won't introduce you to my Wife, and my Sister, with only one woman being there. :o :P ::) ::) ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Going to try Fox! your thoughts?
Post by: H Rhodes on July 04, 2013, 03:11:48 am
So we started out at a fox fry..... and now we've made our way into the murky waters of incestual relations... interesting.

You know that feeling when you meet a couple of real nice people, but as you get to know them they get weirder and weirder to the point that you are uncomfortable with the simple fact that they know where you live? This thread is like that.

LMAO! I agree completely! ;D A fox fry.....   Sweet Jesus.
Title: Re: Going to try Fox! your thoughts?
Post by: BowSlayer on July 04, 2013, 05:16:33 am

     Tell her parents that you will bring the Fox, if they bring the beer. ;)
Sounds like a  fair deal to me.  What with you doing the cooking, and supplying the meat.  ;) 8)
Keep an eye on them though, to make sure they don't slip any to "Skippy" The three legged Jack Russel. ;) ;D ;D ::)

Oh, and I am from the South.  And no, I won't introduce you to my Wife, and my Sister, with only one woman being there. :o :P ::) ::) ;D ;D ;D ;D

Lol thanks I'll try that. 

I think this thread has had 3 different hijacks. :laugh: a little update, I got together with my girlfriend today and now she wants me to cook fox for her family  :o ??? :o I only have 2 legs left.  :-[  and only one bottle of beer  :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
hahha how old are you?

Im 16 and I am old enough to drink beer,  although I don't make a habit of it
Title: Re: Going to try Fox! your thoughts?
Post by: stickbender on July 04, 2013, 08:48:05 pm
     No Squirrelslinger, you don't want to go England just so you can drink beer.  It is exceedingly expensive compared to here.   ;)  And shows no signs of getting cheaper. :( :P  So just bide your time, and then when you turn 21, go for it.  Well, I mean legally, you know like go to a bar, and relax and drink a beer or two, or a restaurant and have one with your meal.  Shoot, you might become so relaxed in your legal status, you might even order a "BACON", Lettuce, and Tomato sandwich. ;) ::) :P ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

                                                                       Ooooh that reminds me I have to go to the store!! :o  I need to get some
PBR,(Pabst Blue Ribbon) and some sage for sausage making for breakfast tomorrow.