Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Around the Campfire => Topic started by: JoJoDapyro on January 09, 2015, 10:34:44 am

Title: Where did your family come from?
Post by: JoJoDapyro on January 09, 2015, 10:34:44 am
Just curious. My family are mostly Danish and Scotch. From there to North Dakota on one side, and Tennessee on the other. Got a pinch of Cherokee from the Tennessee bunch. My Great Grand father came to Utah from Tennessee. 
Title: Re: Where did your family come from?
Post by: Pat B on January 09, 2015, 10:51:21 am
My Father's family(Brennan) came from Ireland and England. My Mother's father was of English decent(Henderson) and her Mother's family(Duhon) were Arcadian from Louisiana. Seems like I'm mostly white bread with a little gumbo thrown in.  ;D
Title: Re: Where did your family come from?
Post by: Pappy on January 09, 2015, 11:07:58 am
England, The Baggett's [spelled then Baggott ],are a crested family, crested in the early 1400 for caring for the kings Goat herd for several hundred years. Our crest has a Goat head on it.Pretty cool looking, We came and settled in NC in the 1500's and then on to TN. in the late 1700's. Who knows I may be kin to Del the Cat. ;) ;D ;D ;D that would explain my good looks /sharp wit and charm. ;) :) :) :)
Title: Re: Where did your family come from?
Post by: mhof86 on January 09, 2015, 12:22:36 pm
Spanish and German on my fathers side, and mostly Hungarian from my mothers. We are actually planning a trip to Spain to see some of the family in May. This will be my second trip over to see them but a first for my wife. 
Title: Re: Where did your family come from?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on January 09, 2015, 12:41:53 pm
Germany, Germany and Germany, with a touch of German splashed in on mom's side...:) Im VERY proud of my heritage.
Title: Re: Where did your family come from?
Post by: Gsulfridge on January 09, 2015, 12:47:06 pm
 Who knows I may be kin to Del the Cat. ;) ;D ;D ;D that would explain my good looks /sharp wit and charm. ;) :) :) :)

Title: Re: Where did your family come from?
Post by: Olanigw (Pekane) on January 09, 2015, 12:56:41 pm
One part of Mom's side came from france/germany/scotland/britain/god only knows where and the other's been here for 10,000 years, give or take.
Dad's is french canadian with assumed Métis inclusion going back to the first wave of trappers, records starting around 1850.
Title: Re: Where did your family come from?
Post by: koan on January 09, 2015, 02:25:59 pm
Dads side German, Moms side British & Scott.... Brian
Title: Re: Where did your family come from?
Post by: JacksonCash on January 09, 2015, 03:58:06 pm
Scottish and English on my mom's side, and German and English on my dad's side, near as I can tell.
Title: Re: Where did your family come from?
Post by: KHalverson on January 09, 2015, 07:18:05 pm
Norway on my fathers .
english on my mothers.

very proud of my Norwegian decent but not so proud of the the bullheadedness or temper that goes along with it.
Title: Re: Where did your family come from?
Post by: osage outlaw on January 09, 2015, 08:11:36 pm
I'm not sure where my family came from, maybe some German?  I know there is some Native American on my Dad's side.  He has a couple full blooded living relatives still.  Don't know much about my Mom's family history and don't really care to find out.     
Title: Re: Where did your family come from?
Post by: JW_Halverson on January 09, 2015, 08:22:24 pm
6th generation American. 

My latest ancestor came to North America in 1872.  He left his wife and 9 youngest children behind, bringing the eldest three boys.  My branch of the family can claim the family inheritance, but it would go to my elder brother and his son, me being second son and all.  Apparently the family is still on the original farm back in Norway.

Before that, we were over here vacationing between the 1100's and 1300's on Viking Dragonship Cruise Lines.
Title: Re: Where did your family come from?
Post by: PrimitiveTim on January 09, 2015, 08:26:50 pm
Don't know much about my ancestry but I was always told we came from Irish criminals.  I think my great grandmother had a grandmother that was cherokee or something.  In short, I'm a white mutt.
Title: Re: Where did your family come from?
Post by: wildman on January 09, 2015, 09:09:29 pm
German ,English , Scottish and a tad of NA. The farthest back I have found was an English Duke that came over to Jamestown in the 1600s probably one of the loafers that drank swamp water and panned for gold.
Title: Re: Where did your family come from?
Post by: dylanholderman on January 09, 2015, 09:27:48 pm
Italian and German on my dads side,  and probably more German/Irish/English on my moms side.
Title: Re: Where did your family come from?
Post by: Rick Wallace on January 09, 2015, 09:47:58 pm
Scots-Irish Cherokee on my Fathers side.  I dont know much about my Mothers side except 1 Great grandfather was from Ireland,the other from England  I think.
Title: Re: Where did your family come from?
Post by: sleek on January 09, 2015, 10:34:30 pm
Who knows I may be kin to Del the Cat. ;) ;D ;D ;D that would explain my good looks /sharp wit and charm. ;) :) :) :)


And why you are attracted to trees and like to " go " outside... :D
Title: Re: Where did your family come from?
Post by: sleek on January 09, 2015, 10:40:07 pm
Scots-Irish Cherokee on my Fathers side.  I dont know much about my Mothers side except 1 Great grandfather was from Ireland,the other from England  I think.

Hey me too, on my dads side. Then add Seminole on my mothers. Sir John Hawkins and Sir Francis Drake are direct ancestors.  Had family serve under the great general Robert E Lee, who in every generation,  we name a boy after him. My middle name being no exexception, first born usually.
Title: Re: Where did your family come from?
Post by: wizardgoat on January 09, 2015, 11:37:12 pm
My dad is french / english, my mom is korean. Ive made some yew longbows, korean flight bows one day ;)
Title: Re: Where did your family come from?
Post by: Tower on January 09, 2015, 11:42:42 pm
11th generation American.  The 1st Tower came to the shores of Massacusetts in 1637.  Irish & Cherokee on my mothers side. I'm 1/4 Cherokee.  English on my fathers . All the way back to 1066. That's when my family was given lands & titles.  There has always been a designated family record keeper. I have a family signet ring that is several hunderd yrs old.
Title: Re: Where did your family come from?
Post by: bowsandroses on January 10, 2015, 01:24:09 am
Mom's side is easy Great Grandpa was full blood Scott and Great Grandma was full blood Welsh. From a prominent family who helped found the Williams and Marry college, I think that's the one. Her Dad was Mostly Scott and a little bit Mohegan, grew up in the Red River Valley. Grandma was born and raised in Silver Lake Oregon. Dads side is not so simple. A little German with a German name, Scott, Irish, English, Shoshone, And I think Norwegian. Bottom line as Tim put it I too am an American Mutt and D@%b proud of it. Dad and parents came to Oregon from Arkansas 1949. Moms Grandparents came to Oregon from back east 1901 I think.
Title: Re: Where did your family come from?
Post by: Tyke on January 10, 2015, 03:23:50 am
Hillbilly on my moms side and redneck on my dads  :laugh:
Title: Re: Where did your family come from?
Post by: Tyke on January 10, 2015, 03:25:39 am
But the family name is swedish
Title: Re: Where did your family come from?
Post by: chamookman on January 10, 2015, 04:46:55 am
Scottish on My Dads side, German/British on My Moms. 100% Michigan Hill Billy now  :laugh:. Bob
Title: Re: Where did your family come from?
Post by: Eric Krewson on January 10, 2015, 11:42:36 am
I actually took a DNA test to verify the family NA component. Turns out the oral family history was incorrect, no NA bloodline in our history.

 British Isles
 Eastern European
 Southern European
 Uncertain 5% 
Title: Re: Where did your family come from?
Post by: YosemiteBen on January 10, 2015, 11:59:47 am
On my dad's side, Mountain Maidu from Northern California and perhaps a bit of somewhere in the UK, I have heard Welsh not sure though.
On my mom's side, Turtle Mountain Chippewa, French-Canadian, German, English and Irish I think.
Title: Re: Where did your family come from?
Post by: sleek on January 10, 2015, 12:39:39 pm
I actually took a DNA test to verify the family NA component. Turns out the oral family history was incorrect, no NA bloodline in out history.

 British Isles
 Eastern European
 Southern European
 Uncertain 5%

How do I go about that process and is it allot and accurate?
Title: Re: Where did your family come from?
Post by: Knoll on January 10, 2015, 04:56:19 pm
... Turns out the oral family history was incorrect, ...
Certain that's true for me.
Title: Re: Where did your family come from?
Post by: JEB on January 10, 2015, 06:26:34 pm
Stewart/McGrane =English/Irish
Title: Re: Where did your family come from?
Post by: JW_Halverson on January 10, 2015, 07:05:53 pm
There is an entire "band" of Cherokee that has absolutely no native blood in them according to DNA!  Doesn't stop them any!
Title: Re: Where did your family come from?
Post by: missilemaster on January 11, 2015, 11:31:34 am
Lots of German on my moms side with some Irish, Scottish and Welsh thrown in.

 German, British and Cherokee on my dads side.  Apparently we are desendents of the Oliver Cromwell of England. 
Title: Re: Where did your family come from?
Post by: Swampman on January 11, 2015, 02:01:22 pm
I have German and Norwegian on my mom's side and Norwegian and a bit of Dakota Sioux on my dad's side. I am mostly. Norwegian but I hate lutefisk. 

Title: Re: Where did your family come from?
Post by: n8tr boy on January 11, 2015, 03:57:59 pm
German on both sides. Both came families came over in early 1800's
Title: Re: Where did your family come from?
Post by: Eric Krewson on January 11, 2015, 04:06:57 pm
My mother was suppose to be German as her family immigrated about the turn of the last century. I have a complete history going back several generations, all in Germany. The DNA test said differently, apparently the Goths that invaded Germany in the 4th century were a major part of my families DNA make-up, hence the Scandinavian component.

I had my DNA test through, about a 100 bucks. You can spend a lot more at other places and get a more accurate complete breakdown.

I wanted to prove my NA heritage even though no tribes accept DNA as proof of ones NA percentage. Turned out I didn't have any percentage.
Title: Re: Where did your family come from?
Post by: Olanigw (Pekane) on January 11, 2015, 05:57:22 pm
Considering that my peeps have been adopting french and english children routinely for 350+ years, and considering inheriting traits are a coin toss in general,  I don't put much stock in DNA analysis.
Title: Re: Where did your family come from?
Post by: Loope on January 11, 2015, 09:45:24 pm
Full-blooded American... though not indigenous;)  My family immigrated to the British colonies in America, from Germany (Hessian), Ireland, England, and supposedly Scotland.
Title: Re: Where did your family come from?
Post by: IdahoMatt on January 11, 2015, 10:29:45 pm
I'm a total mut.   ;D.  I think I have a little of everything in my blood
Title: Re: Where did your family come from?
Post by: Rick Wallace on January 12, 2015, 12:09:53 am
Scots-Irish Cherokee on my Fathers side.  I dont know much about my Mothers side except 1 Great grandfather was from Ireland,the other from England  I think.

Hey me too, on my dads side. Then add Seminole on my mothers. Sir John Hawkins and Sir Francis Drake are direct ancestors.  Had family serve under the great general Robert E Lee, who in every generation,  we name a boy after him. My middle name being no exexception, first born usually.
   I tell people Scotts Irish Cherokee translates to  Dont give me any whiskey  :)
Title: Re: Where did your family come from?
Post by: sleek on January 12, 2015, 12:12:45 am
Hehe, it does sound like a bad combo. But im more a brandy guy anyway.
Title: Re: Where did your family come from?
Post by: DavidV on January 12, 2015, 12:17:18 am
Quarter Italian, German, and French, bit of Irish and a mix of everything else. My Dad's side were Napoletano and immigrated to Chicago right before the depression... shady history too. My mom's side were German farmers in central MO, I look very german for having a very italian name.

Title: Re: Where did your family come from?
Post by: Bone pile on January 12, 2015, 07:19:10 am
Dad's family, Swiss/ German, came over on the "Charming Nancy" in mid 1700's. The Hostetler massacre in Penn. was this family. His mom was full blooded Irish. Mom's family was German.
Title: Re: Where did your family come from?
Post by: JoJoDapyro on January 12, 2015, 09:30:44 am
There sure seems to be a lot of Germans here. Simon is in good company!
Title: Re: Where did your family come from?
Post by: BarredOwl on January 12, 2015, 10:01:12 am
German and proud of it all the way.   My great grandad landed at Galveston Texas.  Worked his way to Oklahoma where he made his first money pulling tree stumps with a team of horses to clear crop land.  I have heard many times from my Grandfather that Great Granddad was a good horse trainer and his team won him many jugs of whiskey.  Story goes that he would bet people that his two horses could pull a train car loaded with wheat.  Most horses would hit the end of the harness and not feel anything move but Great Granddad's horses would pull and keep pulling until the car would start moving.  Don't know how rare that really was but they say his horses kept him in whiskey about anytime he was around the rail yard.  Then he built up a farming operation slowly and at one time farmed in Texas and later sold out and bought some farm land in Kansas and here I am today.
Title: Re: Where did your family come from?
Post by: Newindian on January 12, 2015, 11:07:29 am
Mostly southern german with a pinch of Paiute, English, and Choctaw and a notable Comanche heritage.
Title: Re: Where did your family come from?
Post by: paoliguy on January 12, 2015, 12:19:36 pm
I'm kinda like Mr. Drums. German on one side and German on the other....
Title: Re: Where did your family come from?
Post by: bushboy on January 12, 2015, 04:36:07 pm
Scottish,irish,french Acadian and micmac.
Title: Re: Where did your family come from?
Post by: Oglala Bowyer on January 12, 2015, 04:46:11 pm
I am Oglala Lakota Sioux on my Fathers side with a bit of Pueblo and Lower Brule Sioux on my Mothers side.  My Great Great Grandfather was a warrior at the Battle of the Little Big Horn.
Title: Re: Where did your family come from?
Post by: mullet on January 12, 2015, 07:46:21 pm
German, Portuguese and some Cherokee on my Mother's side and Irish on my Dad's.
Title: Re: Where did your family come from?
Post by: Del the cat on January 13, 2015, 09:19:31 am
My son bought me a DNA test thing for a Fathers day present, it gives you a map showing where your ancestors came from back 5 generations minimum.
Mine is all UK, Scandinavia, Northern Europe.
He got one for Mrs Cat too, she has a little far East and Northern India thrown in for a bit of exotic excitement :-*.
Oddly nothing South of the Mediterranean (you'd think a bit of African would creep up into Europe) and very little French in either of us.
(Probably some Baggott in there somewhere ;D ;) )
Title: Re: Where did your family come from?
Post by: Del the cat on January 13, 2015, 09:22:54 am
I am Oglala Lakota Sioux on my Fathers side with a bit of Pueblo and Lower Brule Sioux on my Mothers side.  My Great Great Grandfather was a warrior at the Battle of the Little Big Horn.
That's so cool...
Dunno if any of my ancestors were at Agincourt...
Title: Re: Where did your family come from?
Post by: Parnell on January 13, 2015, 09:42:36 am
Paternal side came across from Ireland in the 1870's and settled in Brooklyn.  Parnell is an English name crested back to 1066 - Battle of Hastings and has strong Irish historical ties. 

Mom's family came early just before 1600 through Virginia.  They are, more than anything, masonic. (British Isles)
Title: Re: Where did your family come from?
Post by: Buffalogobbler on January 13, 2015, 09:45:25 am
On my mothers side, Pennsylvania Dutch and my fathers side English. My grandparents came over from England, last name Raybould, there is a crest that I saw once and the name goe's back through England and into Germany.

Title: Re: Where did your family come from?
Post by: xpertbushman on January 13, 2015, 12:18:16 pm
My father is Russian, his father Belarus. My mother is Russian, her mother is from Israel. I have lived in the US most of my life.
Title: Re: Where did your family come from?
Post by: agd68 on January 13, 2015, 05:54:07 pm
Danish / English on my father's side and Scots / Micmac on mother's side. One of my ancestors and one of my wife's ancestors served together in the New Jersey Volunteers ; a loyalist regiment; and came to Canada from the US after the rebellion lol.
Title: Re: Where did your family come from?
Post by: jimmy on January 14, 2015, 12:02:14 pm
Ancestory is interesting.  My maternal grandpa said we were black dutch, blonde dutch, highland dutch, lowland dutch, and the whole damn dutch.  In other words, kraut.  On my dad's side, they all came from the same two counties in North Carolina and eventually settled in the Ozark county area of southern Missouri around 1820 or so and live there to this day.  Some moved to Oklahoma.  They first migrated to North Carolina from Scotland I believe.  Here they mixed heavily with the local natives and made their way west to Missouri where other mixed bloods settled (perhaps by force?).  The only exception was my dad's dad who was German.  That is where my name ( Egger ) comes from ( Austria, Bavaria ).
Title: Re: Where did your family come from?
Post by: BOWMAN53 on January 14, 2015, 01:33:49 pm
my family, Gutierrez, traces back to a bishop in Spain.
Title: Re: Where did your family come from?
Post by: BOWMAN53 on January 14, 2015, 01:34:41 pm
Germany, Germany and Germany, with a touch of German splashed in on mom's side...:) Im VERY proud of my heritage.

those who know your last name have no doubt about this lol.
Title: Re: Where did your family come from?
Post by: BOWMAN53 on January 14, 2015, 01:40:54 pm
i swear 85% of all Irish and Scottish people here in the U.S always say theyre part N.A. Hell Im mexican, spanish and hawaiian im probably more N.A than those who claim it lol.
Title: Re: Where did your family come from?
Post by: bubby on January 14, 2015, 02:57:42 pm
i swear 85% of all Irish and Scottish people here in the U.S always say theyre part N.A. Hell Im mexican, spanish and hawaiian im probably more N.A than those who claim it lol.

Definitely more mexican >:D
Title: Re: Where did your family come from?
Post by: PrimitiveTim on January 14, 2015, 03:37:27 pm
i swear 85% of all Irish and Scottish people here in the U.S always say theyre part N.A. Hell Im mexican, spanish and hawaiian im probably more N.A than those who claim it lol.
Mexican?  I thought most mexicans were of spanish descent or NA descent or a little of both???  What does Mexican even mean???
Title: Re: Where did your family come from?
Post by: DC on January 14, 2015, 06:38:59 pm
What does Mexican even mean???

Same as American and Canadian. A little bit of the people that belong here and a lot of the rest of us.
Title: Re: Where did your family come from?
Post by: bushboy on January 14, 2015, 10:04:29 pm
Hell,my brother has a metis card so I guess it dosn't take much!lol!
Title: Re: Where did your family come from?
Post by: sleek on January 14, 2015, 10:37:51 pm
I read a study where the Cherokee came from Argentina and even shared a language between the natives there and here.
Title: Re: Where did your family come from?
Post by: neuse on January 15, 2015, 07:39:02 am
90+ percent German.
My family came over on the boat with Prince Solms Braunfels, landed at Indianola, TX. and then settled in New Braunfels.
I was born in New Braunfels and grew up in Solms, TX.

I can't remeber right now, I am either fourth or fifth born generation in Texas.
Title: Re: Where did your family come from?
Post by: Scottski on February 03, 2015, 10:39:46 am
My dads grandpa and grandma got of the boat at Ellis island fresh from Poland. They moved to St. Louis Mo. My moms side well a little Native American (black foot) on her grandpas side and some Dutch on her mothers. I'm more polish and Native American than anything.(well more polish lol!)  This is the Galczynski crest.
Title: Re: Where did your family come from?
Post by: Sidewinder on February 16, 2015, 12:54:18 pm
Dads side was English and choctaw. Moms side was Irish. i suppose we are all a little heinz 57 at this point.
Title: Re: Where did your family come from?
Post by: jayman448 on February 16, 2015, 02:21:43 pm
my mother is Ukrainian and my father's name is originally polish. his mother was Romanian
Title: Re: Where did your family come from?
Post by: Traxx on February 16, 2015, 04:24:58 pm
i swear 85% of all Irish and Scottish people here in the U.S always say theyre part N.A.

And they probably do,at some point early in their history,in this country.The early immigrants to the Appalachian area,were there,before,"Society" was developed.Not many non native women,wanted to live out there then,so native women were married,who could already hack it out there.

My  Irish Father,came from that region,and apparently,he had a thing for Native women.All of his wives,were of Native blood.
Title: Re: Where did your family come from?
Post by: Marc St Louis on February 16, 2015, 07:48:53 pm
I guess it depends on which part of your family tree you want to relate to.  The part that matters to me comes from North America, the rest comes from Europe.
Title: Re: Where did your family come from?
Post by: Tower on February 16, 2015, 07:52:43 pm
Amen to that!!
Title: Re: Where did your family come from?
Post by: Sidewinder on February 17, 2015, 01:19:25 pm
Great granny Jones dads momma momma, her dad was a mangum or mangrum. Not sure which. She was about 4'6 and stocky. She never slept in a bed amd spoke her own language. I grew up thinking we had cherokee from her but a checked the Dawes rolls and no Mangrum. Found that name in the choctaw. Thats how I figured Choctaw. No body back in the day cared to be known as NA. They hailed from N.Alabama so I think Im in the right area. Hard to tell for sure. Nobody cared to keep good records. Alot of disfunctionalism even back then.
Title: Re: Where did your family come from?
Post by: Newindian on February 17, 2015, 03:27:58 pm
If you go back alittle further we are all africans
Title: Re: Where did your family come from?
Post by: mcginnis6010 on February 17, 2015, 11:09:43 pm
Irish and Cherokee. Way back in the day my family ruled the kingdom of Ulster which was the southeastern part of Ireland. They actually fought against the british many times but eventually lost and were scattered. I have an ancestor who actually left Ireland and  became general of the Turkish army and then died in battle. As for my Cherokee side I can still remember my great grandmother who was full blooded. She was such a sweet ,strong, independent woman. Pretty cool the stuff you find out about your family when you hire someone to look up your family tree and history.
Title: Re: Where did your family come from?
Post by: mcginnis6010 on February 17, 2015, 11:20:34 pm
Here's my family crest
Title: Re: Where did your family come from?
Post by: stickbender on February 19, 2015, 04:05:08 pm
I'm kinda like Mr. Drums. German on one side and German on the other....
Yep, if the sexes were right, that would produce a "German"  Deutchlander.    My family on my Dad's side came from England, in the Wooten Underedge area.  One of my distant relatives on my Dad's side did quite a bit of research, and found we were there in 1500's, and evidence of Kimberly's being there long before that time, but the spelling was different.  They used an "E" between the "L" and "Y".  Could have been the same bunch, as it was common for one reason or another to change the spelling of ones name.  "Oh, no, your looking for the one with the E in the name, you have the wrong one, officer.
Anyway, one Thomas Kimberly was captain of the queens guard.  He emigrated to America and was the first settler in Connecticut.  I can't remember the city,or town, but there is supposed to be an OLD bible, listing Kimberly's as the first settlers in Connecticut.  Anyway, they were very affluent, with lots of land, cattle, and horses.  According to a will, the Father gave almost all the land, and live stock, to his Daughter, and only a small amount of land, and livestock to the Son, which describes what a misfit the Son must have been, as that was seldom done, normally all the inheritance went to the first Son, and the Daughter would receive a dowry, and was expected to marry, and let her husband take care of her.  After Connecticut, the Kimberly's moved to Texas, and then to Georgia, and down hill.  I asked my Dad, what happened to the prosperity of the Family, and  he said "Women and Booze"!  OK Dad, but what did they waste the money on? ::) ;D  Any who, my Father's Grandmother was full Cherokee.  He said she was the ugliest woman he had ever seen.  Smoked a corn cob pipe.  My Dad, and his brothers all had jet black hair, and even into his ninety's he had only a little grey, and a full head of hair..  Me, I look like a "Q" tip, with the center removed.  Comes from my Mother's side.  I have my Grandfathers elfin hair on my ears. My Uncles on my Dad's side had dark complexions.  My Dad was not so dark, but was never pale.  I don't know a lot about my Mother's ancestry.  But I do believe there were some "Injuns" hanging around the wood pile, as both my Grand father, and great grandfather, were both dark complexioned, and had the angular facial features.  I could see a Warbonnet on my Grandfather.
Don't know which tribe it would be though.  I believe my Mother's ancestors were either english, or Irish, as the name was Ward.  Might have been some German in there somewhere, as the Wards were definitely hard headed!  Oh, yeah, She was from Alabama.  Not sure of any other residences, except here in Florida.  Anyway, that is the tale of the rise and fall of the Kimberlys. ;), or Kimberley's.  Oh, one story goes, during war between the States, Thomas Kimberly, in Georgia, around the Macon, Eastman, or Cochran, area, or somewhere in that particular stretch of Ga. was a mason.  When the %$#%! Yankees, came through looting, they were taking anything and everything they wanted, and when the Lt. got to the bottom of a  hope chest, he found a book of Free Masonry, and put it back along with everything that was in the chest, and ordered the rest of the troops to return everything they took.  The %$#* Yankee Lt. was a Mason also.  They did take his old rifle though.  Which didn't stop ol Thomas from going out to his forge, and make another one, like the one they took! ;)
There was a relative in Jacksonville, that had an old powder horn, with a silver cup on a small chain attached to the top as she described the powder measure, but the horn was stolen, and later recovered, but the silver powder measure was missing.
I would love to see that horn.  Must have been before the decline of the Family. ::)

Title: Re: Where did your family come from?
Post by: Renacs on February 19, 2015, 08:43:10 pm
Hungarian from my father's side. My great grandmother spoke Hungarian. And my mother's side cherokee and ? Was there last name. And some French from my grandmother on my father's side. They have a crest and stuff, but nobody likes the French. ::)
Title: Re: Where did your family come from?
Post by: sleek on June 04, 2015, 11:42:08 pm
I'm kinda like Mr. Drums. German on one side and German on the other....
Yep, if the sexes were right, that would produce a "German"  Deutchlander.    My family on my Dad's side came from England, in the Wooten Underedge area.  One of my distant relatives on my Dad's side did quite a bit of research, and found we were there in 1500's, and evidence of Kimberly's being there long before that time, but the spelling was different.  They used an "E" between the "L" and "Y".  Could have been the same bunch, as it was common for one reason or another to change the spelling of ones name.  "Oh, no, your looking for the one with the E in the name, you have the wrong one, officer.
Anyway, one Thomas Kimberly was captain of the queens guard.  He emigrated to America and was the first settler in Connecticut.  I can't remember the city,or town, but there is supposed to be an OLD bible, listing Kimberly's as the first settlers in Connecticut.  Anyway, they were very affluent, with lots of land, cattle, and horses.  According to a will, the Father gave almost all the land, and live stock, to his Daughter, and only a small amount of land, and livestock to the Son, which describes what a misfit the Son must have been, as that was seldom done, normally all the inheritance went to the first Son, and the Daughter would receive a dowry, and was expected to marry, and let her husband take care of her.  After Connecticut, the Kimberly's moved to Texas, and then to Georgia, and down hill.  I asked my Dad, what happened to the prosperity of the Family, and  he said "Women and Booze"!  OK Dad, but what did they waste the money on? ::) ;D  Any who, my Father's Grandmother was full Cherokee.  He said she was the ugliest woman he had ever seen.  Smoked a corn cob pipe.  My Dad, and his brothers all had jet black hair, and even into his ninety's he had only a little grey, and a full head of hair..  Me, I look like a "Q" tip, with the center removed.  Comes from my Mother's side.  I have my Grandfathers elfin hair on my ears. My Uncles on my Dad's side had dark complexions.  My Dad was not so dark, but was never pale.  I don't know a lot about my Mother's ancestry.  But I do believe there were some "Injuns" hanging around the wood pile, as both my Grand father, and great grandfather, were both dark complexioned, and had the angular facial features.  I could see a Warbonnet on my Grandfather.
Don't know which tribe it would be though.  I believe my Mother's ancestors were either english, or Irish, as the name was Ward.  Might have been some German in there somewhere, as the Wards were definitely hard headed!  Oh, yeah, She was from Alabama.  Not sure of any other residences, except here in Florida.  Anyway, that is the tale of the rise and fall of the Kimberlys. ;), or Kimberley's.  Oh, one story goes, during war between the States, Thomas Kimberly, in Georgia, around the Macon, Eastman, or Cochran, area, or somewhere in that particular stretch of Ga. was a mason.  When the %$#%! Yankees, came through looting, they were taking anything and everything they wanted, and when the Lt. got to the bottom of a  hope chest, he found a book of Free Masonry, and put it back along with everything that was in the chest, and ordered the rest of the troops to return everything they took.  The %$#* Yankee Lt. was a Mason also.  They did take his old rifle though.  Which didn't stop ol Thomas from going out to his forge, and make another one, like the one they took! ;)
There was a relative in Jacksonville, that had an old powder horn, with a silver cup on a small chain attached to the top as she described the powder measure, but the horn was stolen, and later recovered, but the silver powder measure was missing.
I would love to see that horn.  Must have been before the decline of the Family. ::)


That was actually a lot of fun to read.