The first picture is dedicated to Eddie, my tour guide

He played tourist long enough for me to get the picture.

The second pic is a Mexican eagle (I think). Eddie says he's been trying to get a picture of one for a while... I didn't have any trouble

Then there's the hogs. I never saw so many hogs in my life! It seemed like everywhere I went, I saw hogs.
We killed a few the first couple days we hunted. But after that, we had turkeys on our minds. I shot one with Eddies pistol and he killed one with a rifle and one with buckshot. Every day I hunted I had opportunities to shoot hogs. Some as close as 5 or 6 yards.
That's IndianCharlie (Charlie Parrish) with a nice Osceola gobbler he killed. He called it in with a bamboo trumpet call.
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