Ok...last post before I post that I have mailed the bow. I've done all I can do with this one. I had arrows tuned before sanding and finishing and putting on the shelf silencers...after I did all that, the wind decided to pick up and blow 30 and not freaking stop. Hopefully I can catch some wind free moments in the wee hours tomorrow am to zero in on the bare shaft arrow tune. If I can, I'll build a couple of arrows for this and mail it Saturday am; if not, I will just pack this up and mail tomorrow with the arrows that were tuned prior to me sanding and finishing. I'll post up when I mail it, and thanks to Kidder and all for the patience.
Bow is 66.5" tip to tip with mild to moderate static recurves. It has taken a degree of set that has just really ticked me off, as this was super wide ringed, low % early wood osage that I built overly long and wide. I was hoping these qualities would overcome my lack of tillering expertise, but no...it took a fair amount of set. That said, it rebounds fairly well after being unstrung and resting for a few hours and the tips are still ~2.25" in front of the bow back at the shelf...so I'll say this is a naturally occurring deflex-reflex design that I was subconsciously aiming to make the whole time...

. Being as long and wide as it is, it has some hand shock, but not terrible. Regardless, the set bothers me, but I hope the recipient finds that it makes the bow easy and accurate to shoot.
I put some self stick velcro on the shelf and strike plate area for noise reduction and protection, because I did not want to install something that might negatively affect how it shoots and something that would be difficult for the recipient to redo. This can easily be removed and replaced with something more primitive and beautiful and natural, but it is super quiet and forgiving...anyhoo, I know it ain't pretty, but it is easy to change and works really well for hunting.
This is a self bow. I skinned it for camo for hunting purposes with two bull snake skins (ROADKILL...I won't kill a bull snake for anything, but I'll pick up every one of the hundreds I see dead on the road each year if they aren't too damaged). Thread job where the skins played out was looking sweet with the gold and black colors of the major college of the state that my recipient resides in...until I hit it with CA. The gold turned brown...which sucked...but at least it matched the snake skins.
Finish is buffed wax over 10 coats of TruOil. String is 14 strand D97 with Wool Yarn String Poofs.
Bow finished at 59# @28".
I'm probably only pulling it 27" when I've been shooting it in. I pulled it back a little extra today while running arrows through the crony. I doubt I was pulling more than 28", but I could have been. Regardless, It shot a 29.5" 555 grain 70-75 surewood shaft Doug fir arrow 177 then 176, so it'll kill a critter.
I'll post a couple of pics now, but will wait until my guy gets it before posting up the full bevy of pics.

