Let me start by saying this is my first post and first attempt at bowmaking. I'm going to have to blame it all on my best buddy N2Everythg (Wade)! We've been fishing/camping/adventure seeking buddies for 10 yrs now. Anyhow, he started me out by sending me the first bow he ever made and it got me to thinking about my 10 yr old daughter and her pride regarding our Native American Heritage. Anyhow, I figured I'd buy her a U-finish bow for her birthday and that'd be that....well NOOOOO! Wade would have none of that nonesense....next thing I know I'm searching websites, studying tree identification and call ing N2 about everyday and asking him questions(he's in NC and me In Oregon). All this about one month before my Daughter's 11th birthday. I guess you can say I'm a bit OCD once I get latched on to a new hobby.So after chopping down the sapling I picked out I roughed the bow and let it dry for 2 weeks. Once it dried I had 2 weeks to tiller and shape. After many hours of scraping, sanding and thinking of my little girl and her expression as I presented this to her I neared the finish. And wouldn't you know it...I pulled just a little too far and I heard a groan come out of the wood. I about passed out (only 4 days left till the b-day) and I had splintered it. I called Wade and talked him thru the bow's condition, he recommended I try to salvage it by glueing and backing it w/ silk. From here it kind of morphed into a totally different finished product than I had envisioned but it was saved. So now I am painting, lettering and varnishing. I get to the last step of glueing the leather handle wrap on and I am nervous as heck I'll mess something up. I almost wanted to just hand that baby over w/out the leather grip but after some kneeling and and asking for a steady hand I finished her off. ONE hour before her birthday! The bow was made from standard maple and pulls 14# at a 15" draw and looks kick but if I do say so myself!!!
I had a great time planning, envisioning and working on this bow and am hooked for good. I'll be working on my 8 yr son's next followed by another for my 5 yr old daughter! And then hopefully, I will be skilled enough to make my own (I've already found my vine maple.. that is if I don't use it for one of my kid's bows).
Thanks Wade! It was a blast working on it and contemplating my relationship w/ my daughter and connecting w/ my heritage.. a great experience. - Yokut
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