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I've gotta ask

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I am interested if anyone here has a recipe for Common Carp? I am serious here, they are very abundant, and large. Thanks for all the replies in advance.

Funny how that fish is the most commonly raised domestic animal on the planet, bar none, and somehow Americans are afraid of it as if it were poison! 

Bring on the recipes! As long as it ain't lima beans, I'm cool! (It's a textural thin, lima beans don't taste that bad.)

Watched Andrew Zimmern on bizarre foods in St. Louis and they were commercial fishing for Asian carp. They filleted them and fried them like any other white fish you find in restaurants and claimed it was delicious. Solution to invasive species taking over, eat them ;D


I saw somewhere, I think Chicago, that a meat processor was making asian carp into hotdogs and bologna. I'll have to see if i can dig up a link or something to that.

EDIT: It's a place called Schafer Fisheries. Google it for more info!
EDIT2: There is a field and stream article that has the video I saw, check that out.

I've never tried it but I've heard of people canning carp. They say it's good....?


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