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Cave Men only "Oooga Booga" / Re: Pike hypothesis
« Last post by JW_Halverson on Today at 09:30:10 pm »
There is a site in Texas, I believe, where an entire family group of mammoths were killed. There are signs that all of them had been partially butchered and only ONE Clovis point found in each. A large female was found at a distance with MULTIPLE Clovis points in her body and no sign of butchering. Extrapolating from modern elephant behavior, the herd matriarchs are the defenders of the family herds, she most likely continued her attacks and took multiple injuries before succumbing to her injuries. Doesn't sound like pikes planted in the ground to me.
Bows / Re: Mulberry bow blank from hedge hunter
« Last post by Selfbowman on Today at 09:25:05 pm »
Cool no pin knots in this one.
Bows / Re: Mulberry bow blank from hedge hunter
« Last post by JW_Halverson on Today at 09:17:17 pm »
I had a couple mulberry staves from a tree cut in the very southeast corner of SD. Though riddled with pin knot clusters, I never had one fail. One was made into an English-ish longbow and all the pin knots were in pairs....they looked like little boobies. That was over 14 years ago and it is still shooting, according to the kid I gave it to.
Bows / Re: "PA forum will be closing down"
« Last post by JW_Halverson on Today at 09:12:01 pm »
Primitive Archer forum has been more than a forum for knowledge but a family and of the few internet sites void of politics, advertisement, or B.S. Lets stay in touch, knowledge is eternal.

You said it brother!
Bows / Re: Inaugural “junior” bow trade
« Last post by JW_Halverson on Today at 09:09:46 pm »
I had a trade bow down to final tillering and something slipped and it flew off the tillering tree, and cracked a limb less than a week before deadline. I was sick. It was looking great and I was even gonna enter it as a contender for bow of the month.

I sent my apologies and brooded for two days. I laid in bed one night and it was just eating at me, I could not get to sleep. So I got up, went to the garage, turned on the radio. I pulled out a stave with the bark on just as the classic JJ Cale song began to play....After Midnight, pretty appropriate since it was just a little after midnite. This was the original, not the cover by Slow Hand.

Some time around dawn I was down to final tillering, fastest I had ever made a bow. I glued on tip overlays and set it aside. That evening after work I hit tiller, draw weight, and draw length with a few dozen scrapes. I finish sanded and started laying on the finish. One of the best bows I have ever made and the recipient really liked it. I think I shipped it only a little late.  My two take-away lessons: 1) Don't get caught in analysis paralysis, and 2) never beat yourself up excessively, learn to forgive yourself.
Bows / Re: Inaugural “junior” bow trade
« Last post by Aaron1726 on Today at 08:57:57 pm »
I'm fine with that
Bows / Re: Inaugural “junior” bow trade
« Last post by Muskyman on Today at 07:42:11 pm »
I think I can make that. Having to do a tweaking to my trade bow but hopefully will be done before then. I should know in the next couple days but, should be good. 
Bows / Re: Inaugural “junior” bow trade
« Last post by stuckinthemud on Today at 07:13:59 pm »
Thanks , I’ll clear out some space. 

How does everyone feel about next weekend as the shipping date?
Bows / Re: Mulberry bow blank from hedge hunter
« Last post by Selfbowman on Today at 06:11:40 pm »
Tip overlays finished and all straight. Now make a string and brace for final tiller.
Glad your OK!
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