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Around the Campfire / where I have been for 2 years-My airplane
« Last post by jeffp51 on Today at 03:00:34 am »
So not archery, not primitive, but a couple of people expressed interest when I said why I haven't posted in quite a while.  I have been building an airplane in my garage, and have had neither time nor space to make any bows.  I still shoot in my backyard from time to time, and I am super thrilled to see this forum back up and running.  I have discovered such a community here and I would hate to lose it.

I am building a Zenith 601xlb Zodiac.  It is a low wing two-seat homebuilt aircraft from a company located in Mexico, Missouri.  I am discovering a great community there too.  there are a lot of similarities between building a bow and building an airplane--balance, precision, craftsmanship. . .it itches some of the same scratches.  My user name betrays one of my early passions, and I finally decided I had to either act on it or let it go forever.  When I turned 50, I broke both arms in a bike accident and spent a winter brooding over my mid-life crisis, and decided to just go for it.

Here are some pics:

And if anyone wants to see more, I post regular updates on Facebook.  Friend me as Jeff Packer (Pleasant Grove, Utah) and you can see more than you will ever want to.
Bows / Re: Takedown Osage in the works
« Last post by bentstick54 on Today at 12:29:41 am »
BJ, I had purchased the metal/ brass sleeve set several years back. I took a heavy sheet of white construction paper and set the sleeves on it, used a block of wood and hammer and tapped the sleeves hard enough to imprint on the paper, then cut that out with scissors. I glued the paper “patterns” to to end off the billets,  then used a rasp to shape the end of the billets fitting the sleeves as I went. I had some JB Weld that I used to epoxy the sleeves to the wood. Let set for 24 hours and started on the bow.

Thanks Arvin
Bows / Re: Second junior trade is go, sign up here
« Last post by Wallski on January 25, 2025, 10:54:46 pm »
Count me in again, I really enjoyed it
last time.

Bows / Re: Arvin and me
« Last post by bjrogg on January 25, 2025, 10:50:17 pm »
Willie I would call it a true pyramid design. I need to get some pictures taken. Maybe I can get some tomorrow.

Bows / Re: Scored some rattan
« Last post by Aaron1726 on January 25, 2025, 10:31:21 pm »
Always wanted to try rattan after seeing this guys super short recurve build:
Around the Campfire / Re: Welcome back, looking back, and looking FORWARD!
« Last post by JW_Halverson on January 25, 2025, 10:28:41 pm »
Thanks for all you guy have done to get PA back on line!..  :BB

Thanks for getting your bushy butt back in here! I missed your posts and your input!
Bows / Re: Scored some rattan
« Last post by TimBo on January 25, 2025, 10:05:17 pm »
I made our kids some of the Torges-style reverse tillered bows, and they were great.  I'm sure I have seen a heavier weight one somewhere.
Horn Bows / Horn bow x 2 build along.
« Last post by superdav95 on January 25, 2025, 09:42:27 pm »
Ok so here we go!  Im getting the pieces together for 2 horn bows of similar dimensions. both are going to be on the larger side around 50-52". both have the same 5 Pieces glued with v notches with animal glue or sturgeon glue or mixture of both.  both will have water buffalo horn on the belly and bamboo as the core limb wood.  The The bend profile of the siyahs and kasan sections will be the same however the wood use for those will be different.  the one will be heartwood hickory siyahs and the other will be 2 thinner hard maple slats with a 1/8" core of horn slat running through it in middle as seen in pics.  this section after drying a week or so will be cut down the middle for 2 identical siyahs.  Just testing out this idea for siyahs to see how they turn out.  The main reason im building 2 of these at the same time is to test out some glue up theories.  I will be using matching groves on the dished out horn lamination for the one and the other just a slight dished out horn and core wood belly glue up.  Ive seen others do this sucuessfully so we shall see what happens. both horn lams will get the typical 10-12 size coats prior to glue up.  I will be using the japenese Yumi bow method of string and wedges on them both for the horn glue up.    both bows will get 60 grams sinew.  as far as a finish goes it will likley be a goat skin covering and then pigment and shelack paint.  My theory is that the non grooved glue up will do just fine.  Many say that the turkis, ottomans and asiatic horn bow builders and others mostly did not use grooves in their glue up of the horns.  Others say that it was done but not often.  I have only built horn bows with grooves, Some matching and some nonmatching.  Ive heard that some builders are doing it and figured i might as well try it.  I will frequent back to this post to update with some pics but this will be a long haul with lots of dry time and curing.  Patients patients and more patients!  I will have other projects on the go so that i dont loose my mind of course.  cheers. thanks for following along.

Horn Bows / Re: 48" Korean
« Last post by superdav95 on January 25, 2025, 09:14:57 pm »
Adams book has the measurements.  i got mine off of amazon as a kindle or digital book. 

a more basic book with good info is also found on amazon. introduction to composite bow making by Tu Viet Thanh.  best of luck
Bows / Re: Arvin and me
« Last post by willie on January 25, 2025, 08:45:34 pm »
As Arvin sez, the force draw numbers look impressive.
 Is it a true prymid? Can you post a pic of the back?
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