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Bows / Re: Stress and performance
« Last post by sleek on Today at 10:21:53 pm »
Asking for a friend... What's 'ASL'? :P

40/male/North Carolina

sorry, I don't know either.
Around the Campfire / Re: Shave horse
« Last post by Mo_coon-catcher on Today at 06:44:52 pm »
I’m with Eric. I’ve tried a shave horse but not a fan. I prefer a bench vise with wood and leather jaws. I made a portable bench the vise is mounted to. Mainly since I can’t do heavy wood removal and put oomph behind a draw knife with a shave horse. I think this picture shows the bench well enough. Just throwing your the info for another option. Nothing wrong with a horse, just doesn’t work for me.

Bows / Re: Stress and performance
« Last post by Aussie Yeoman on Today at 06:13:25 pm »
Asking for a friend... What's 'ASL'? :P
Around the Campfire / Re: Shave horse
« Last post by Deerhunter21 on Today at 02:47:52 pm »
Thanks guys, I appreciate the help. I’m gonna draw up some plans and then go for it. Hoping to make a relatively portable one as I’m moving a lot at the moment. Hopefully something I can keep in my car.
Bows / Re: Semi bendy Osage character bow
« Last post by Kidder on Today at 02:00:00 pm »
Thanks for all the nice comments guys. Pat - I believe that’s how I have this bow - just starting to bend in the handle at full draw. As for the speed question, I don’t notice any difference in speed. Once I get to shooting it through my chronograph I’ll post up speeds. I’d guess it’s  160-170 fps +/- with hunting arrows, which is what I get from most of my bows.
Bows / Re: Stress and performance
« Last post by mmattockx on Today at 12:33:51 pm »
I agree. So, my point being that a perfect pyramid can not be built, so modifications must be made. In my opinion, these are the best ones to make.

Fair enough. My opinion is that following the theoretical pyramid taper and using levers at the end is the best way to go. I can get circular tiller for all of the working limb with constant thickness and stiff tips (which are desirable, IMO), which is a lot easier to tiller than the ASL profile. Either way will certainly give you a decent bow in the end.

Sleek that’s s what I was saying about making the pyramid wider at the fades.

You are correct on this, Arvin. Extra width on the pyramid shape costs almost nothing in extra limb weight but will help keep set at bay.

Bows / Re: Stress and performance
« Last post by Selfbowman on Today at 11:51:59 am »
Sleek that’s s what I was saying about making the pyramid wider at the fades. The record broadhead bow took no or very little set. I guess I need to make a straight Pyrimid wider at the fades with no reflex and see where this goes. I do know reflex in the outer limbs causes more strain on the limbs. It has to.
Around the Campfire / Re: Shave horse
« Last post by Eric Krewson on Today at 09:43:24 am »
I used a shave horse for years and kept it outside under a tree. When I built a shop with a sturdy work bench, I found I preferred a stout vice with padded jaws coupled with a post on the end of my workbench to help support the stave. I gave my shave horse away to a guy in N Georgia, no telling where it is now.

I had my shave horse before digital cameras came on the scene so I don't have any good pictures of it.

Bows / Re: Stress and performance
« Last post by sleek on Today at 09:29:31 am »
So if we tiller a non perfect pyramid to look like a perfect one, the bow is not correctly tillered.

You can't get the circular bend with constant limb thickness on a non-perfect pyramid, but you can if you tweak the thickness in the outer half of the limb. I don't know if that should be considered 'not correctly tillered' or not. The red oak lam bow I did with the lever tips was very close to circular tiller with the tips stiff, which to me is very close to an optimal arrangement of mass and strain. This is what Arvin keeps chasing and his bows have shown the results of those efforts.

I haven't found any need for more than the 2-3" parallel out of the fades, but I am sure the longer section you suggest will work fine if the thickness is tapered to suit.

In short, it's my strong opinion a pyramid bow shouldn't actually be a pyramid, nor tillered like one. It should start out parallel, then straight taper to stiff tips.

Well, that certainly isn't a pyramid bow as you describe. It's basically an ASL and will need thickness taper and tiller to suit.


I agree. So, my point being that a perfect pyramid can not be built, so modifications must be made. In my opinion, these are the best ones to make. I will add, the 7 inches parallel is not a must. It's not even an accurate description of what's being done there. What's actually happening is the surface area is being increased therefore the amount of stress per square inch is reduced. You can just make the bow wider there and deal with the extra mass mid limb or taper it more agressive towards a straight taper.
Primitive Skills / Re: Life is good
« Last post by Pappy on Today at 09:24:34 am »
Thanks Bob  ;) :) Ya JW she is a good one for sure and Fred was easy to talk to, really down to earth, the first time they came down he and I went in the cabin and had a long talk, like talking to a friend, you would never know he was a legend, guess that's what made him special.  :)
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