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Bows / Re: How do you finish the edge of a snake skin?
« Last post by WhistlingBadger on Today at 12:40:06 pm »
Ah, OK.  See, stuff like this is why I need you long would it have taken me to figure that out myself?  Thanks for the tips.  Much appreciated.
Bows / Re: How do you finish the edge of a snake skin?
« Last post by superdav95 on Today at 11:29:25 am »
Same here.  I like to use thin ca glue on the tapered edge itself ones I sand it a bit to seal up the edge.   Tb3 would likley work too. 
Bows / Re: bamboo backed and bellied hickory bow
« Last post by Selfbowman on Today at 11:04:49 am »
Maybe someone from England can  suggests some good linen for our flight bows.
Bows / Re: How do you finish the edge of a snake skin?
« Last post by bentstick54 on Today at 10:16:17 am »
I do the same as Eric.
Bows / Re: How do you finish the edge of a snake skin?
« Last post by Eric Krewson on Today at 09:50:55 am »
I only put my snake skins on the back of the bow, some wrap them around the sides a bit. I leave the top limb edge sharper and cut the excess skin off with a small fine cut file pushing the file toward the belly only, this cuts a very clean line. I sand the side of the bow lightly to get rid of the file marks.

I use the painters tape to keep the glue off the rest of the bow so I have less to clean up after the skin is applied.

Primitive Skills / Re: Life is good
« Last post by Pat B on Today at 09:06:55 am »
Nice new pup, Pappy. Looking forward to meeting her in person.  :OK
Primitive Skills / Re: Life is good
« Last post by bjrogg on Today at 08:31:14 am »
Glad to see you got a new pup Pappy.

Gotta love puppies, even if they do chew up everything in sight.

Good luck with your new puppy. I hope you three form a strong bond

Bows / Re: Inaugural “junior” bow trade
« Last post by Zugul on Today at 07:15:55 am »
I mean, if you're just a cuple pounds under weight you could try to heat treat it, even osage should gain a few punds in the process, right? Just my 2 cents
Primitive Skills / Re: Life is good
« Last post by chamookman on Today at 05:28:09 am »
Great lookin' Pup ! Your Osage came out nice also !  (=) Bob
Bows / Re: How do you finish the edge of a snake skin?
« Last post by Pat B on Today at 01:48:34 am »
I use a flat bastard file and go along the edge filing from back to belly, starting at the handle and out the limb to the tips. This gives you a tapered edge that blends to the wood smoothly unlike an abrupt cut edge.
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