Well, I'm from the "Trophy State"(Kansas). They're ALL trophy's to those who don't live here! I'm sick of what has happened to the state's herd. I've been hunting hard with my stick and stones this year and I've only seen two(2) mature bucks. All the private land is leased or outfitted out. You can't even take a kid out for rabbits or quail. It's all about the "Trophy Buck$$$"! The prices for a outfitted "hunt" START at $2000 to $3000, and guided START at $4000 to $5000, plus lic. and permits. There were 2 or 3 deer dumped by outfitters that had been caped out! Clients didn't want the meat! What a bunch of sick, greedy, money hungry, unethical, corrupt, sorry bunch!!! From the land owners clear thru to the clients! Hunting Used to be fun. Now, it's just an unregulated money grab and anything goes! Sorry for the rant-I'm done now! Craig