Author Topic: Marshall Mini Bow Challenge  (Read 153610 times)

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Offline jaxenro

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Re: Marshall Mini Bow Challenge
« Reply #660 on: August 21, 2016, 07:57:21 am »
These have got to be the coolest things. I won't single any one bow out as they are all so amazing. I have always likes miniatures made several dozen miniature knives over the years (funny I only have a couple of the rejects left the rest all seem to have gone to friends) in 1:3 scale and am working on a 1:4 scale longbow using totally inappropriate wood I had in the closet for making miniature furniture (but I do have some yew and rosewood for belly's on order with some exotic wood backing strips to make more)

How do you make the strings? Would silk work? And can anyone point me to a simple string making tutorial?


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Re: Marshall Mini Bow Challenge
« Reply #661 on: August 21, 2016, 09:00:44 am »
The strings are just Flemish twist strings, same as full length bows. I think I used 4 strands of D97 for mine.
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