I finally got around to trying to weave some cattails I harvested a couple years ago into a quiver. This was my first attempt so I had to learn a few things as I went. But I think it turned out decent enough. I’m not too concerned about some of the flaws as this will be a wall hanger piece for my Grampa. But I think it’ll still be solid enough to be used.
A question though for te next few I do that will be used and probably hunted with. After it fully dried the falling between the leaves opened enough to be able to move. It’s not enough to hurt the function, just enough to notice it. Can I soak in some linseed oil to both water proof and swell the leaves back so they don’t wiggle as much?
I will also change how I did theiught to finish out nicer and probably a bit tougher. Though I do like the bottom, and I did it that was since I was afraid the cattails wouldn’t handle the bend needed to make a solid bottom without creasing and becoming to delicate. I just put a wad of grass in the bottom to keep the arrows from poking through.
Thanks for looking,