Thanks Dana M ! I appreciate it. The two obsidian daggers, he is holding in the picture right after the 42 inch unfinished pumpkin Obsidian blade, are spiral daggers!
You can't see it in the picture unfortunately, but the blades spiral around like a corkscrew! it is hard enough working Obsidian as brittle as it is, especially on large objects, and to keep the spiral symmetrical to boot!
Those eagles are thin too!
I can't even make a blade without breaking it, in Obsidian!
And in the picture of the case with the Eagles, and arrow heads, and doo dads, the dark arrow heads to the right are Garnet!
He made some into earing's.
He had cases of stuff like this, but my camera went on the blink, and I couldn't get any more pictures.
But if any of you ever get out to Oregon, trust me on this, it will be well worth while to stop in Burns, and meet Emory, and his Dad. The whole yard is nothing but Obsidian boulders, and various kinds of other rock, jasper, flint, etc., front and back, and sides!! And be ready to have your jaw drop to the ground when he shows you some of his stuff! He is absolutely amazing, and he doesn't think it is anything to write home about, he is proud of his work, but that is the extent of it. He just enjoys doing that kind of work, and he has been doing it for so long, it doesn't seem like any particular big deal to do it anymore. I will definitely be going back out to see him again. Gotta get more rock anyway. Gave it all away.
Eddie, you shouldn't be razzing Jesse about hearing the whip. It is bad enough having a leash on, without having to hear a whip too!